Strawberry Crest’s swimming teams have had a very good season, but things are especially looking good for sophomore Daniel Teske. The second-year swimmer won the Hillsborough County championships in the 100 fly and 100 back races.
What was the competition like?
It was pretty high, you know, all the guys wanted to get first and everything. I knew two of them, who were second. It was tough.
Did you know you were going to win when you got out there?
On Wednesday there were prelims, and I got first in both of those. So, you know, I thought I was either going to get first or second. When I got to finals, I saw that I got first, so it was like I kept it to standards.
I heard you recently had to start training by yourself, after your club coach had to leave the position. What kind of routine have you set for yourself, and how do you hold yourself accountable in practice?
Mondays, I work out with SCHS. Every other day, I go back to work out with the club. I did lose my coach, but there’s still another one there, so I’m still working with him. And I still do weight training.
What’s your club?
TYS, Tampa YMCA Swimming.
You’ve only been swimming for two years?
It was two years on Sept. 1.
What made you start?
Well, I was in Boy Scouts, and I would do the mile swim and everything. Everyone was telling me to (take up swimming), so I just decided to do it.
What made you stick with it?
I just really liked it. It’s a nice sport. Really competitive. I meet a lot of people. It’s real fun.
What’s your favorite event?
The 100 fly. At first I didn’t like it, but now it’s fun.
It’s great now that you’re winning county championships in it, right?
I mean, I liked it before, but it’s even better when I realize how good I trained and that it paid off, and I got first.
Is there any sport you’ve always wanted to try, but haven’t?
Football. I didn’t really want to injure myself playing football and then try to swim at the same time of the year.
What position would you want to play?
Probably running back.
Who’s your favorite athlete of all time?
Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte. They’re probably the best ones I like.
Who’s better?
If you could meet anyone, whether they’re an athlete or not, who would it be?
Probably Ryan Lochte. He’s a real nice guy, really competitive with Phelps and everything. I think it would be nice to meet him one day.
Let’s say you get $1 billion one day. What do you buy?
Maybe some candy. I like food … I like Snickers and Starburst.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Probably the ability to fly. I’d go anywhere. I’d go on top of buildings and stuff, and look at people.
Do you have any personal goals for yourself over the next year?
I’d like to make it to the Olympic in 2020. Short-term goal, make it to Juniors or something like that.
Are you trying to swim in college first?
Oh yeah, I’m trying to go to either Texas or Florida.