Plant City Observer


Normally a first baseman on the Plant City Little League Junior All-Stars, Eduardo Lucas was called up to pitch against Auburndale on Monday night. After getting out of a jam near the middle of the game, Lucas remained composed and helped the Juniors win, 16-6. He did it on just 74 pitches in six innings, and also went two-for-three at the plate. 

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On Monday, you guys came out here and beat Auburndale pretty good. You’re usually this team’s first baseman, so what brought you to the mound that night?

I just wanted to pitch and help my team win. I usually pitch for my other teams.

What were you feeling, out on the mound?

I just stayed focused the whole time during the game. I just focused on the batters. Made sure nothing got on my mind.

What pitches were working for you?

I was throwing a fastball, a curveball and a knuckleball. I think my curveball was working the best for me.

You also went two-for-three with some pretty big hits. What was your approach at the plate?

I just look for a fastball and, if I see one, I just hit it to the outfield.

When did you start playing baseball?

When I was around 4 or 3 years old. I’m 15 now. I’ve played for Plant City Little League the whole time. I go to Durant High School. I tried out for the baseball team there, but didn’t make it. I’m going to try out again, in August, to try and make the fall ball team.

Do you play any other sports?

I usually play basketball at the park, just to have fun.

What other hobbies do you have?

I play the drums in the school band. I play the snare drum and the bass drum. The snare drum is my favorite — it’s just a faster tempo, and with the bass drum, you play really slowly. But, with the snare drum, you can do a lot of movement with your hands. I also like to focus on school.

What’s your favorite subject?

Science. I like anatomy. I want to be a doctor when I grow up — a surgeon. I want to be a cardiothoracic surgeon.

What’s your favorite movie?

“22 Jump Street.” It was more hilarious than the first one; it had more jokes in it.

What about TV?

I usually watch “Scrubs” or “Grey’s Anatomy.” Doctor shows.

Any favorite books?

Sometimes, I read Harry Potter books.

How about video games?

2K Sports, like baseball and basketball. And, I like FIFA. 2K Baseball is my favorite, though.

Favorite food?

Sausage pizza.

Favorite music?

I usually listen to Spanish music. I don’t have a favorite artist; I just listen to whatever’s on the radio. It’s a lot of the same thing.

What’s your favorite baseball memory?

It was when I hit my first home run. I was playing here [Sansone Park], and we were down by two runs. We had two men on base, and I hit it, and I got the game-winning home run. That was probably a year ago.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be, and why?

X-ray vision, so that I could see through anything. Like, if I’m going to help somebody, I could see what’s happening with the body part I’m focusing on.

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