Plant City’s boys soccer team is coming off of an appearance in the FHSAA regional tournament, ending with a 5-3 loss at Palmetto Thursday, Jan. 29. Head coach Chris Black has been pleased with the team’s effort this season, especially praising the efforts of freshman Eric “Peanut” Ugarte.
So, everyone calls you “Peanut.” How did you get the nickname?
When I was little, I guess I looked sort of like a peanut. I was short, and I’m brown. My next-door neighbor had given me that name, and it just carried on from there.
What role do you play on this team?
Midfield and forward.
What’s it like, stepping into a pretty good team as a freshman and making an impact in your first year?
At first, it was somewhat difficult. You had to compete against seniors and other sophomores and juniors. Coming as a freshman, it’s really hard. But I’m glad that I made it, and I thank God for my talent.
The Palmetto game didn’t go so well for you guys, but that was only your first playoff game. What did you learn from that one?
There’s going to be harder teams out there. We’ve just got to come in more prepared than we did in the first half.
What happened in the first half?
Well, the first half, I guess we came in too confident. Not really trying. Thinking, ‘We got this game.’ Then, we got this speech from another player, Jorge (Navarrete), and it inspired us to do better. He spoke about how, for seniors, this is their last year and they might not ever get a chance again. It inspired me, too, to step my game up because I didn’t want to let my teammates down.
So the second half was the better half for you guys?
We played a lot better. We came out and pressured them. We had them, 3-2, but we just let three goals come through us.
Do you play any club soccer?
I do. I play for Plant City Lancers, and I’ve played it since I was U9. I’ve been playing soccer since I was three years old.
Any other sports?
Just soccer. All soccer, all the time.
What are your favorite movies?
“Observe and Report” and “The Notebook.”
What about TV?
“Jersey Shore,” and pretty much all of the soccer channels. I’ve got to watch FC Barcelona, my favorite team.
So, Leo Messi must be your favorite player?
Messi, yeah.
If you could meet him, what would you want to ask him about?
What his experience was growing up and becoming a professional, and how that impacted his life. And, maybe one day, get to play with him.
Who do you go for in the World Cup?
Argentina, for Messi.