This freshman has been tearing it up on the softball diamond.
Plant City resident Erica Stahl, a freshman at Lakeland Christian School, has been playing good softball for the Lady Vikings lately. Through five games, Stahl is batting .471 with seven RBI, six runs and three doubles and hasn’t given up a run in four appearances as the closing pitcher.
How’s this season going for the Vikings?
Everything’s going really good. We only have one loss.
How do you think the team will do in the district?
I think we’ll do pretty good. Last year, winning states, our district wasn’t that hard to beat. Hopefully, we can do that again this year.
How far would you say your game has come since you started at LCS?
When I started, I sat on the bench most of the time. I was the third pitcher, and now I’m the closing pitcher. I play a lot. I’d say I’ve improved a lot.
Do you play any other positions?
I start at first base.
How long have you been playing softball?
Since I was 3, but I started playing travel ball when I was in fifth grade.
You’re already being trusted to close games as a freshman. How do you feel about your role with the team?
I feel pretty good. I wouldn’t say I’m ‘the girl,’ like, the other pitcher is really good too. It’s a team sport. Last year, I had to pitch the first half of the season because our other pitcher was hurt. I didn’t get to pitch that much toward the end of the season, but being able to pitch in a lot of the games was really good.
Do you play any other sports?
Just softball. It’s all I’m good at.
Is there a sport that you’ve always wanted to try, but never have?
I really like volleyball, but I’m really clumsy, so I feel like I’d break a finger or something.
Who’s your favorite athlete?
Jennie Finch. She’s a really good example to look up to. She played in college, she won the Olympic gold medals and stuff — I think that’s really cool. She’s a good role model.
What’s your dream school?
I really like Belmont University, in Nashville, Tennessee, and I really like the University of North Florida, as well.
Would you want to keep pitching in college or play somewhere else?
I’d be OK with playing first, but I’m really looking to be a pitcher.
What celebrity would you most want to meet?
One Direction.
What’s your GPA?
4.34. Mostly As. I have one B.
What’s that subject?
What’s your favorite subject?
Probably English. I like grammar stuff.
You get $1 billion in the bank. What do you buy?
A softball field for our school. We don’t have a softball field. We play at a complex that’s a minute away, but it’s really inconvenient, sometimes, when teams are trying to get to the field to play and they can’t find it.
You can have any superpower you want: what do you pick?
Invisibility, because I can scare people.
A little girl comes up to you, just getting started in softball, and asks for advice. What do you say?
You have to practice as much as you can. If you want to be a good softball player, you’ve got to put work in. It doesn’t just happen. You have to love the game or else you get tired of practicing every day and quit. You have to love it, and you have to work hard.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve done on a softball field?
I always like getting the last out, striking out the last batter. I like getting walk-off hits.
What are your goals for the rest of this school year?
I really hope to have some college offers, and I’d like to get good grades.
What’s the one area of your game where you think you need to improve the most?
Probably just confidence. I’m kind of a shy person. If we’re facing a big team, I’m like, ‘Ooh, they’re scary.’ I want to work on being confident on the mound, at bat, playing first base — confidence overall.