The F.I.S.H. Hawks football team has been on a tear lately, beating Cape Coral-Oasis High School 52-0 two weeks ago and hanging 60 points on Ave Maria-Donahue Academy last Friday. Quarterback Jacob McLaughlin threw 11 total touchdown passes in those games, and is the National Homeschool Football Championship Series’ leading passer with 1,815 yards and 31 touchdown passes.
How did you do this week?
I did OK, but the receivers just made a lot of the plays. All I did was, I said stuff, and I threw the ball up to them. They made some great plays.
What does the near future look like for the Hawks?
We have one more regular-season game, and then it’s the playoffs. We’re ranked No. 3 right now — we’re 7-2. I think we have to see other teams, what their scores are, before we really know if we’re at home or away. But, we’re excited to play our best and leave the rest up to God.
Is this your first year with the team?
Yes, sir. I’ve been playing football for seven years. Before this, I played five years in the Fishhawk Wolfpack (Pop Warner) and, before that, I lived up in New Jersey and played for Jefferson (Youth Football League) up there.
Do you play any other sports?
I’ve played some soccer, and I run track. I have run cross country in the past, but not this year — I decided to focus more on football.
What’s your favorite pro team?
I really like the Denver Broncos, especially how they run their offense. Peyton Manning is an amazing athlete.
Is Peyton your favorite player?
He could be, but I personally like Russell Wilson a lot. He’s not that big, and I’m not that big. He rolls out a lot, and throws on the run — that’s what I do. I kind of look up to him. He believes in God and is a great role model.
Do you prefer the pro game or the college game?
I prefer college, because I just think there’s so much energy in those Saturday games. Everyone’s pumped up. You’ve got the bands, the cheerleaders and everything — everyone’s just so excited. … In college, you don’t get paid — you’re playing for the guys around you.
Who’s your college team, then?
I like Ohio State. I was born in Ohio, and that’s my favorite team in college.
What are your hobbies outside of sports?
I referee soccer — that’s pretty fun. I like to work out quite a bit with my friends here. I used to run, but I’ve kind of taken that off.
What are some of your favorite movies?
I really like Captain America. Also, “The Game Stands Tall.” And, “Remember the Titans.”
Favorite books?
I really like the Hobbit, and the Lord of the Rings books. I also liked Tim Tebow’s book, “Through My Eyes.”
If you could play for any team, college or pro, what would it be?
I’d probably play for Ohio State, because I thought it was so fun growing up, looking up to those guys and seeing how cool they are, everything that they get. I’d probably like to play for them.
If you could be either rich or famous, what would it be and why?
Famous, because then I could influence people.
If you could meet anyone, have lunch with them, and have a conversation, who would it be?
It would probably be Jesus. I’d just talk to Him about how He came to Earth and died for us, how I’m thankful for Him.