Savage set a personal record in the shot put en route to a second-place finish at districts.
Plant City High School senior Jamal Savage made an impact at FHSAA districts last weekend, placing second with a personal-best shot put distance of 45 feet, 11 inches. Savage, who also played on the football team’s offensive line, will play football at Bethune-Cookman University in the fall.
How would you say this track and field season, as a whole, has been going for you?
It’s been going good. I’ve been improving at every track meet. I’m excited for regionals.
How long have you been doing this?
I just started last year.
What made you try it?
Between basketball and spring football, we didn’t have a coach at the time, so I needed something to do.
What’s been the best moment of your track and field career?
Probably PR-ing at districts.
What were you feeling that day, before you went out there and set your personal record?
I was feeling good. I knew I could compete for either first or second. I just knew I had to go out there and go through my motions.
You’ll be going to college soon. What are you looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to playing football. Going to my history classes — I can’t wait to finally get into my major.
What do you want to do when you graduate?
I want to go back, and go to law school. I want to be a lawyer.
You just wrapped up a solid football career too. What was your favorite thing about playing for the Raiders?
The brotherhood of it. Coming out here every day and competing with people you know, people you get close to over time. That makes it fun.
What made you choose Bethune-Cookman over other colleges?
They really like to help their student-athletes graduate.
It sounds like history’s your favorite subject in school. What’s your favorite time period to study?
Probably the Civil War.
How’s your GPA?
I have a 3.3 right now.
Is there anything about your high school career, looking back, that you would want to go back and do differently?
My freshman year. I played around too much freshman year, but I really got on track sophomore, junior, senior years.
Is there any sport you’ve never played before but always wanted to try?
I guess it would be soccer. I would probably play goalie. It looks fun, to stop them from scoring.
Who’s your favorite athlete of all time?
Probably Michael Jordan. Michael was the best.
You go pro in football. What team do you want to play for?
The New Orleans Saints. I’m from New Orleans. I moved to Plant City coming into high school, and I lived in Tampa through middle school.
What brought you all to Florida?
My mom went to USF to get her Ph.D. She teaches at Polk State College now.
You get $1 billion one day. What’s the first thing you buy?
Buy my mom a house.
You get any superpower you want. What do you pick?
Super speed.
A kid comes up to you and asks you for advice on how to get better. What do you tell him?
Just keep working. Don’t ever take a rep off, just keep working.
What’s your favorite football drill, out of everything you’ve done on this practice field the last few years?
I like the one-on-ones. I like to compete.
What’s one area of your game you want to get better at?
All of it, really, but I’d like to get stronger.
What’s your favorite memory from being a part of the football team, besides any one game?
When the Marines came to practice last spring. It was a hard workout, but it got us closer together coming into last season.