Plant City Observer


In his second year or playing sports, Special Olympics athlete John Straub has picked up softball for the first time. With the season fast approaching, his coaches have been pleased with his progress in the Hillsborough County team’s practices.

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So, this is your first year ever playing softball?

It’s my first year. I’ve never done it before.

What positions do you like playing?

I like trying to catch it out in the field as best as I can. We train in the infield and outfield, but I would say outfield is my favorite.

What are your goals for this season?

I want to get better at what I’m doing now. I want to get better at catching the ball and hitting the ball.

How long have you been involved with Special Olympics?

I think two years.

What other sports do you play?

I started with basketball. I also play soccer and volleyball. I’m starting soccer this Saturday.

But, what’s your favorite?

My favorite sport is basketball. It’s just one of my best sports. I can shoot by myself.

How long have you been playing sports, besides Special Olympics?

Two years.

So, you’re kind of a new athlete. What made you want to start playing sports?

Well, I want to get better, for one. And, you can get healthy.

What do you like to do for fun?

I play my Playstation 3, and I go outside and walk.

What video games do you like to play?

I like “Smackdown” and football.

Madden or NCAA football?

Both. I’m good at Madden, and I’m trying to get a little better at the college game. It’s kind of difficult, but almost the same.

What are your favorite movies?

“The Dukes of Hazzard.” The old one.

What about TV?

I don’t have a really favorite one, but I like one that doesn’t come on anymore. It used to. I like “CHiPs.”

What’s your favorite food?

Bananas, grapes and strawberries.

If you could be either rich or famous, which would you pick?

I would say, famous.

Why be famous, rather than rich?

Being rich, you’ve got to get up early.

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