Plant City High’s golf teams have gotten off to a solid start in 2015. Although the girls team is normally the one that gets all the publicity, junior Kaelib Carlough looks to lead the boys team into the Tampa Bay-area spotlight. Carlough is averaging a 38 this season.
What are you looking forward to accomplishing this year?
Last year, we weren’t able to go to regionals as a team. This year, I definitely want to take my team to regionals. Hopefully states, if we’re good enough.
How long have you been playing golf?
I’ve been playing for about three years. Just now coming up on three years.
How did you get into it?
Back in my eighth grade year, the beginning of the year, I had been paying football seven years. Broke my collarbone, and after that hit, I was just done with it. I’d always played golf, but that’s when I started playing competitively, the second semester of my eighth grade year.
Who first got you into golf, before you chose to play at a higher level?
My dad and his friend. I started getting into it, and I went to Mike Bender’s golf academy, who I’ve been with for two years now. He’s really helped me out, as far as my swing and playing goes.
What part of your game has improved the most over the past few years?
My short game is what’s really gotten better. Then again, I use my length as an advantage. Being a small guy, I’m hitting 295 off the tee.
What was your favorite moment of last season?
I think my biggest one was at regionals last year. I didn’t start so well on the front nine, but I shot two under on the back side. Being able to turn things around and keep it in the 70s was really good.
Do you play any other sports?
Golf’s my primary sport, but I do like to fish.
What’s your home course?
My home course is River Hills, but the best course I’ve ever played was probably Waldorf Astoria.
You mentioned that you like to fish. What’s your favorite spot?
I usually just fish around the ponds in Walden Lake with my friend.
What’s your favorite subject in school?
Math. I’ve always been really good with numbers.
Any college prospects?
Still working on that.
What would you want to major in?
Accounting, probably.
Who’s your favorite pro golfer?
Dustin Thomas, because his characteristics are kind of like mine. He’s not the biggest guy on tour, but we’re both pretty long off the tee. Plus he went to my favorite college, Alabama.
Let’s say you make the PGA Tour one day. What course would you most want to play?
Bay Hill, because it’s the Arnold Palmer Invitational, and it always falls on my dad’s birthday.
What would you tell a young, first-time golfer who asks you for advice?
Got to work on the short game, because that’s where you’re gonna make up a lot of your strokes. You’ve got to be able to get up and down at least 80% of the time.
You have $1 billion in the bank. What’s the first thing you buy?
Definitely would get a Nissan GT-R. I’ve always been a Nissan guy.