Plant City Observer

ATHLETE OF THE WEEK: Kelein “K.J.” Johnson

Plant City Little League’s BPO Elks team, which won the Majors city championship, competed in the Tournament of Champions over the weekend. The team was able to take the whole thing with a 4-2 win over Lake Wales on Sunday, thanks in part to the pitching of Kelein “K.J.” Johnson. Head coach Danny Coton cites Johnson’s skills, as well as his attitude on and off the field, as being important for the team.

What positions do you play?

Shortstop, third base, pitcher and a little bit of first base.

In the T.O.C., what was your primary position?

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You guys ended up winning the championship, and your coach said you played very well. What was working for you, out on the mound?

My fastball. I was painting the corners and throwing in the high 60s.

How old are you?

12 years old.

I remember you were on the All-Stars last year, and the selections are coming up this weekend. If you get picked again, what are you looking forward to?

Going all the way to the Little League World Series.

How did you guys do last year?

We lost in the championship round.

How many All-Star teams have you made?


What’s your key to cracking the All-Star lineup so often?

Pitching. My speed from pitching, and my power from batting.

What’s your favorite thing about playing baseball?


You mentioned being a power hitter. Do you know how many homers you’ve hit in your career?

I think 36.

Do you play any other sports?

Basketball. I like playing shooting guard.

Do you play on any local teams, or just for fun?

Just for fun.

If you could play baseball for any pro team, what would it be?

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Maybe the Yankees. Most of my favorite players have played on that team.

Who are your favorite Yankees?

Babe Ruth, Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez and Brett Gardner.

Is there any pro player you got your pitching style from?

No, sir. I learned a lot from my brother (T.J. Gainer).

Who usually wins your pitching competitions?

He does.

When you’re not playing sports, what do you do for fun?

Play video games. My favorite is NBA 2K15.

Who’s your team?

Cleveland. I like Kyrie Irving and LeBron James.

Who has the best handles in the NBA, Kyrie or Steph Curry?

Steph Curry.

Who are you rooting for in the Finals?

I hope Cleveland wins.

What’s your favorite sports movie of all time?


Where do you go to school?

Tomlin Middle.

What’s your favorite subject?

Math. I like counting up numbers and decimals. It’s kind of cool, counting up money and seeing what you get.

Is there any sport you’ve never played before, but always wanted to try?

Hockey. I like how you have to score on a tiny little goal, and you skate on ice.

If you could be either rich or famous, what would it be?


You have a billion dollars in the bank. What do you do with the money?

Help my family out if they have financial problems.

I’m sure you’d still have a lot of money left in the bank after that, so if you could buy one really cool thing with a bunch of money, what would it be?

My own island.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Flying. I would fly all over the world.

If you could meet anyone you look up to, who would it be?

If he was alive, Jackie Robinson. I’d like to get pointers on playing baseball and to hang out with him.

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