After moving to Florida from Brooklyn, NY, when he was seven, Mazeed Aro-Lambo was involved in karate and soccer after school. His mother urged him to pick one to stick with, and his choice turned out to be a good decision. Aro-Lambo recently wrapped up his senior season with the Strawberry Crest soccer team, leading the chargers with 18 goals. His focus now is academics, where he is near the top of his class. The senior has a full-academic scholarship to Northwestern University and plans to go pre-med.
What do you like most about soccer?
I’m a forward, so scoring goals is definitely one of the best feelings. Also, playing with my teammates. The bonds we have on and off the field is strong, so spending time with them is a great experience.
Looking back, what are some memories you will take with you?
When I came here in 2009, it was a brand new school, so I had a chance to be a part of a program from the ground up. Through these past four years, I’ve seen the program improve as a whole, and I’ve had the chance to set a few records like scoring the first goal in school history, first hat trick, the most goals and stuff like than. All the seniors, Tarek, Noah, Patrick, Rahul and Ernesto have seen this program grow as a whole.
How did your scholarship with Northwestern come about?
I applied through this program called Quest Bridge. There goal is to basically link low-income students with high-ranked colleges. I started applying very early and found out that I got a full-ride to Northwestern around late November, early December. I didn’t really have the chance to look at many other offers, so I knew where I was going pretty early, and I was fine with that.
What did you do when you found out you had the offer?
I started researching the school like crazy and I’ve been doing as much research as I can. Every time I get something in the mail from them, I just get really excited. As soon as I got the letter, the next day I ordered a bunch of gear.
Do you plan to play soccer there?
I got in contact with the coach there and I’m going to try and walk-on. They are in the Big-10, so I know it will be a challenge, but I’m excited.
Have you visited?
I’m going up over spring break.
Are you nervous about being so far from home?
I’m a little nervous, but I’m used to traveling, so it shouldn’t be too hard for me to handle. I’m definitely going to miss home, though.