At the May 2 Optimist Club of Plant City Tri-Star Soccer Skills Contest, many local footballers made the most of their chance to shine. While competition on the boys’ side was tight, Neese Shannon blew away the girls’ competition. Her 250 total points gave her a 47.5-point lead over the next-highest finisher. If combined with the boys’ scores, it would have been good for third place overall.
You did really well at the Tri-Star competition. How fun was that for you?
It was really fun because we got to do drills, and it helped me more with my soccer.
What part of your game do you think it helped the most?
Playing forward and midfield.
Which drill really helped you?
The shooting drill.
Was this your first Tri-Star competition ever?
No, I did one last year. This is my second time doing it.
How did you do last year?
I got first place again.
I’m sure a lot of girls out there will want to know how you do so well, then. What’s your secret to success?
Just paying attention, looking for open passes and playing your heart out.
How long have you been playing soccer?
About four years. I’m 10 years old.
Have you always played forward and midfield?
At first, I started at midfield. Then, I went up to forward. Now, I play both.
What’s your favorite thing about playing those positions?
You get to run and get a lot of energy.
So, you just play soccer. Have you ever wanted to try any other sport?
No, I want to stick with one sport.
What do you do for fun when you’re not playing soccer?
I hang out with my family, and we sometimes go outside and pass the soccer ball.
Who’s your favorite soccer player?
Where do you go to school?
Trapnell Elementary.
What’s your favorite subject?
Do you have any favorite books right now?
“The Sasquatch Escape.”
What’s your favorite movie?
What’s your favorite TV show?
“Austin & Aly.”
If you could meet any famous person, who would it be?
Nick Jonas.
If you could hang out with Nick Jonas for a day, what would you want to do?
Go to Disney World.
What’s your favorite thing about Disney World?
The rides and the candy. My favorite ride is Space Mountain.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
To be fast at everything.
Do you have any goals for the rest of this year? Anything you want to get better at?
Mostly going around people and seeing open passes.
What do you think is the coolest thing you’ve ever done on a soccer field?
Do a header into the goal. I think it was last year, on the Lancers.