Strawberry Crest’s softball team is no pushover. Beating them isn’t easy. Shutting them out, then, takes a great effort, and that’s exactly what Plant City High’s Noelle Dietrich brought to the table March 27. Although she gave up seven hits, Dietrich kept her cool throughout seven innings of work and, along with some defensive help, made sure that Crest never got the opportunity to score a run.
You guys played Crest the other night and shut them out. You pitched a complete game. What were you feeling out there, going into that one?
Well, my whole team, we were, like, really ready for that game. Mentally prepared and really tough. Ready to go. Strawberry Crest is a great hitting team — they’re, like, amazing — and my defense did really well that night. My coach called a really good game.
What kind of pitches were you throwing at them, to keep them where you wanted them?
Just moving in and out. Coach called a pretty good game.
That game was great for you, but you’ve also been doing well all season. 1.17 ERA, 12 wins. What’s been your key to success all season?
Just staying in the game and preparing during practice. Working with my coach to make sure we’re on the same page. We are now. Everything’s going great.
We’re in the closing stretch of the season, district play’s winding down, it’s almost time for the postseason. What are your expectations?
I expect us to go pretty far, with as well as we’re doing right now. I’m pretty sure we just came together as a team really well over the past few games, and I just think we’re going to go up from here.
Big game against Durant coming up on Friday. What are you looking forward to?
Should be a good game. Last game against them was pretty good, and they’re a great team, too, so it’ll be great to try and beat them.
What are some of your hobbies outside of softball?
I also play volleyball, and I also like to just hang out and things. I’ve been playing volleyball since I was in sixth grade, so six years, now. I played for Plant City last season. I’m just looking forward to another great season — I love my team, I love my coach.
What do you like to do when you just “hang out and things?”
I like to go to movies, eat. Eating is a great hobby of mine — love to eat. I like going to the beach. I like Clearwater and St. Pete Beach. Really nice sand, really nice water and a young atmosphere.
If you could have any one superpower, what would it be?
I would like to fly. I would just fly everywhere, because I’d like to be in the sky and see over everything.