Three games, 49 tackles — that’s how the last three weeks have gone for Plant City High School linebacker Patrick Colleran, whose 20-tackle effort in last week’s win over East Bay broke the personal record of 18 he set three weeks ago. Now, he’s getting attention from colleges like Minnesota, Stetson, Florida Tech and Indiana State.
You’ve been on fire over the past few weeks. What’s your secret to success?
I’m just trying to go as hard as I can, especially in those district games — they’re really important. We came up short against Durant, but I already knew we had to win against East Bay or we probably wouldn’t have a good shot at the playoffs this year. That was my goal when I went into that game, and I just came out with 20 (tackles). All I can do is hope to get 21 next time.
Did you do anything differently to prepare for the East Bay game? Any changes in routine, or just a good day for you?
It was good preparation all week, from our whole team. We’re all really zoned-in. Our coach had a good game plan. We executed. We just won, as we wanted to.
What are some of your hobbies outside of football?
Really, just trying to get my grades up this year. I was working a lot last year. Besides that, I like going to the beach, having fun, hanging out with my friends.
How are you doing with those grades?
I ended last year with, probably, a 2.4, and I’m now up to a 3.4.
Do you play Madden?
I definitely play Madden. My team is the Steelers. They’re my favorite pro team. I’ve been watching them since I was a little kid. Growing up, watching them. Watching them win a couple of Super Bowls, watching them go to a lot more Super Bowls than they won — that’s always been my team.
What do you prefer to watch — college or pros?
I like the pros, because I like seeing that much difference in the speed of the game. There’s a big difference between college and pros, obviously.
So, you’re aware that you’re in the minority here in Florida.
I know. Everyone likes college down here.
I’m guessing that, if you could play for any pro team, it would be Pittsburgh?
Yes, sir. Them or the Bucs, because I like staying in Florida. It’s real warm down here. I’m a Florida boy.
If you could be either rich or famous, what would it be?
I’d probably be famous, just because I like to talk a lot. I like to be the center of attention, and I love it when that announcer calls my name on game nights. That’s why I really try.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
The ability to fly, so that I could get around all of these terrible drivers in Florida.
If you could have lunch with anybody and have a conversation with them, who would it be and what would you talk about?
Troy Polamalu, just because he’s a beast at the game. He’s always been my favorite player. I was gonna go for No. 43, but it was already reserved. So, I switched to 45. I played with 43 in Little League, and he was always my favorite player. I’d like to talk to him, see how he enjoys the game and how he’s progressed.