We wouldn’t advise messing with Sarah Subko. In addition to playing volleyball, the rising junior at Strawberry Crest High School also wrestles and competes in judo tournaments around the world, including one in Dallas this week. Along with volleyball, she also plans to wrestle for the Chargers next season.
What position do you play in volleyball
Libero, and my freshman year I was a setter.
How long have you been playing?
Since sixth grade
What got you interested in playing?
My mom used to play in high school and convinced me to go out for the middle-school team. I ended up making it and liking it.
When did you get into wrestling?
Just recently. The judo kind of spread into that. It’s a good way to stay in shape. It’s fun being able to throw another girl or boy around.
How long have you been studying judo?
Since I was 5
What got you into that?
I was leaving gymnastics, and they had judo class coming in after, and I asked my mom why they were wearing pajamas. She told me it was judo and that they throw people. I told her I wanted to do that and have been doing it ever since.
How often do you compete?
There’s a bunch of local tournaments, but mostly four or five nationals. I’ve also competed in several international tournaments for the United States. I’ve been to Argentina and took third there. I’ve also been invited to Columbia, Brazil, Australia, France and Berlin.
What do you like about judo?
I like getting to travel and stay fit. I’ve also met a lot of friends through it. I have friends all over the world from it. It’s also fun getting to throw boys over your head once in a while. You don’t usually see girls doing that. I just like being unique.
Have you found similarities among all your sports?
Definitely. Wrestling helps my groundwork for judo, and judo helps my neutral in wrestling, so they kind of go hand-in-hand. It also helps with volleyball, with staying low. I’m certainly not afraid to fall on the floor diving for a ball. All the sports relate pretty well.