There’s only one member of the Plant City High track and field team moving on to Saturday’s FHSAA State Championships at the University of North Florida. Ty’China Bush, a senior, won both the discus and shot put events at the April 22 FHSAA Regionals competition and is looking to perform well both at states and in the upcoming AAU national tournaments.
How are you feeling, going into Saturday’s competition?
I’m a little nervous, but I know that my ranking, going into states, is pretty good. If I just focus on what I’ve been doing since the beginning of the year, following the steps that I’ve been practicing every day, then I should get it.
Where are you ranked, right now?
In shot put, I’m ranked third. In discus, I’m ranked fourth.
You did well this season, but let’s look back on your career: How would you say things have been, up to this point?
Things have went pretty well. Since my freshman year, I’ve been getting first (place) consistently. Freshman year, I got first in districts in shot put and didn’t do so well in discus. But I advanced to regionals. Sophomore year, I placed first in discus, third in regionals and went to states. Last year, I placed first in both of my events, and then got second place at regionals in both of my events. I went on to states and placed eighth in both of my events.
It sounds like you picked up on the shot put pretty quickly, so what did you have to work on to get to this level with the discus?
Just my footwork. It’s really a whole lot of footwork and using my hips to get the discus out there. When turning, I learned to not move my legs too wide. I learned to take smaller steps and really drive my hip forward to get a little more “oomph” in my throw.
You competed at AAU Nationals last year, and you’re going again this year. What’s it like, competing at a big, national event like that and Junior Olympics?
At first, it was frightening. But then, as I went and got to know some of the other throwers, they were really nice. They were talking to me. After that, it got less scary. I got to make new friends, meet people from different countries, and it was a lot of fun.
How did you first get into shot put and discus?
One of the coaches from my high school in Texas, he saw me walking down the halls, and he was like, “You have the body for a shot-putter. Would you like to try out for our track and field team this year?” I wasn’t really into sports back then, because I was kind of lazy, but I was like, “Hmm, I’ll try it.” I really liked it because it was something I was good at, and something I could excel in by myself.
When you’re not doing your field events, do you play any other sports?
I did basketball my junior year, for our team at school. Other than that, I’m also doing javelin throwing.
Basketball wasn’t your thing?
Towards the end of the basketball season, I hurt my knee. I almost twisted my MCL, which is really bad for going into shot put for next year — I have to bend my knee in order to glide across the circle. It was just something to get me in shape for track season.
When you’re not playing sports, what do you like to do for fun?
I like to sing, so I’m in my school choir. I like to write poetry. I dabble in drawing.
What’s your favorite style to sing?
Pop. I have a lot of favorite artists, but I like Beyonce.
What kind of drawings do you dabble in?
Who’s your favorite athlete of all time?
I don’t have a favorite athlete. I take all of my teachings from a lot of different athletes. I don’t look up to just one person. I take my little techniques here and there, learning styles, from a variety of different athletes.
What is one sport you’ve never tried before, but were always interested in?
Volleyball. It’s the fact that I know my brute force can get it over the net hard enough to where they probably won’t be able to hit it back.
Any college prospects at the moment?
Right now, my two prospective colleges that are looking at me for track are Bethune-Cookman and UCF.
Do you know what you want to major in?
How’s this school year been going for you?
Senior year, I wanted to get more involved because I’ve kind of been reserved throughout my high school career. I’m involved with Student Government, and I’m the public relations officer in my AVID club.
If you could meet anyone you’ve ever looked up to, who would it be?
President Obama. I just want to talk to him about the pressure that’s been on him. Coming into the presidency from George W. Bush’s term, he had a lot on his plate — a lot of mess that he had to deal with. A lot of rejection from everybody else who didn’t want him there. I would ask how was it on him, mentally and physically, being President.