The wrap-up party for all teams will take place at 6 p.m. Monday, May 5, at Plant City’s First Baptist Church, 503 N. Palmer St. Arrive at 5 p.m. to help set up if you are able. Bring your favorite dessert to share. The committee wrap-up party will take place at 6 p.m. Monday, May […]
Continue ReadingWalden Lake teacher uploads new summer camp
From rebuilding old electronics to team-building exercises, Plant City students this summer will be given an opportunity to explore science and math during Camp Invention. It is the first time the camp will be held in Plant City. “It’s all about hands-on team-building science and technology that goes into it,” camp counselor and teacher Paul […]
Continue ReadingWLCA seeks part-time webmaster
The Walden Lake Community Association is looking to fill a part-time position for a webmaster. The webmaster will manage the site and update it as needed. Interested applicants should contact the WLCA at (813) 754-8999.
Continue ReadingFamily suspects burn pits cause Plant City Marine’s cancer
U.S. Marine Lance Cpl. Sean Terry put on his dress blues. Once, a muscular Marine had filled the fabric. Now, his 33-year-old body had withered in size, and he couldn’t really stand. But, he had made it his final mission to attend a father-daughter dance with his three girls. It would be their last. Terry, […]
Continue ReadingWinter Haven church assists Plant City family
Vines twisted and writhed among the dry leaves that were piled high in the Hicks’ lot off North Gordon Street. An old, rotten shed leaned to the side. Ferns were waist-high. The jungle of the back yard was out of control — and too daunting a task for elderly siblings Harriet, Robert and William Hicks. […]
Continue ReadingConstruction Angels to host first Plant City fundraiser
The vision of an angel doesn’t usually conjure up images of one in a yellow hard hat. But a newly formed chapter of Construction Angels in Tampa strives to help families who have lost a loved one from a construction-related accident. Like one Riverview family, whose father, husband and breadwinner fell into a hole and […]
Continue ReadingBailey Scholarship offered to career centers first time
By the time Brenda Contreras arrived at her grandmother’s house, there were detectives crawling all over. Just moments before, there had been a gang-related drive-by shooting into the home. Contreras was thankful her grandmother was safe. But, she was also watching the detectives closely. “From that day, that’s what I’ve wanted to do,” Contreras said. […]
Continue ReadingPlant City teacher named High School Art Teacher of the year
Niki Carpenter was named High School Art Teacher of the year by the Hillsborough Art Education Association. She teaches at Plant City High School.
Continue ReadingPlant City Chamber to host New Member Reception
The Greater Plant City Chamber of Commerce will host its New Member Reception at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 29, at the chamber, 106 N. Evers St. RSVP by calling Jane at (813) 754-3707.
Continue ReadingPlant City Photo Archives continues Civil Rights series
The Plant City Photo Archives & History Center will present the second film in its series, Created Equal: America’s Civil Rights Struggle. The film, “Slavery by Another Name,” begins at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 24, at Bealsville Recreation Center, 5009 Nesmith Road. For more, call (813) 754-1578.
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