The Hillsborough Soil and Water Conservation District sponsored the event, held between Saturday, April 22 and Sunday, April 30.
Continue ReadingCity takes first step to control trash removal for residents, businesses
Commissioners approved an interlocal agreement with Hillsborough County to take over trash service in areas of the city added after 1983.
Continue ReadingTemple Terrace Mayor on deck to become Plant City’s Interim City Manager
The City Commission will review applicants and select an interim city manager during a special commission meeting Friday, May 19.
Continue ReadingGoing under to rise above: Duke’s Brewhouse to host Divers4Heroes fundraising event
On Saturday, May 20, Duke’s Brewhouse will raise funds for Divers4Heroes, which aims to help injured veterans.
Continue ReadingSewers, roads and pipes a city priority
City Commissioners also voted to create a salaried position for a construction inspector.
Continue ReadingCommission sets meeting to discuss City Manager position
The meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, May 15, at City Hall.
Continue ReadingImprovement League discusses development
The League held a community meeting Thursday, May 4, to discuss plans for incorporating economic development into all Plant City communities.
Continue ReadingWarriors on the Water: Plant City represents at Dragon Boat race
The Plant City Family YMCA has led many in the community to find a new passion in Dragon Boats.
Continue ReadingPlant City celebrates National Day of Prayer
National Day of Prayer was observed Thursday, May 4. Natl.
Continue ReadingA short while ago in a city not too far away…
John Harris completed his droid just in time for Star Wars Celebration Orlando.
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