Sports Editor Justin Kline shares his travel bucket list.
Continue ReadingATHLETE OF THE WEEK: Hunter Smith
Hunter Smith pitched a gem to give the Plant City Prowlers a trophy before Cooperstown.
Continue ReadingGlory Days: Plant City Colts plan reunion
Team president Angelo Murray wants to reunite the Plant City Colts family and help get the program back on the map.
Continue ReadingProwler Power: P.C. travel team goes to Cooperstown
The Plant City Prowlers travel baseball team is headed to Cooperstown, New York, for tournament action.
Continue ReadingBethel pastor celebrates 17 years in Plant City
2016 is also Dr. Emmett Wiseman’s 60th year in ministry.
Continue ReadingDurant gearing up for Gottman football camp
For six years, the Mike Gottman Youth Football Camp has helped Plant City-area kids get proficient with the pigskin.
Continue ReadingSports help teens in pageant scene
Plant City athletes Alexis Williams and Alexandra Harrell are state finalists in the National American Miss pageant circuit.
Continue ReadingATHLETE OF THE WEEK: Jamie Brown
Jamie Brown played catcher and pitcher for the winning side in the Plant City Little League Majors championship game.
Continue ReadingWHAT’S ON KLINE’S MIND? Making a summer resolution
Better late than never: the quest for a healthier lifestyle starts now.
Continue ReadingRays start hot in first season
The all-star team went 2-1 in its first tournament.
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