Plant City Observer

Be on the lookout for hidden money!

The Plant City Times & Observer received an interesting message from a Facebook fan last week.

“I’ve recently heard of the pay it forward movement and wanted to bring it to the Plant City/Brandon area,” the user wrote. “I wonder how long it will take for people to see my new site. Anyway, the goal is simple: This is a scavenger hunt. God has been very good to my wife and me and has blessed us beyond our dreams. We are no millionaires — far from it — but we’re no longer in the poor house, and we want to pay it forward.

“Starting June 27 and (continuing) every Friday, we will be hiding money in different parts of Plant City and putting clues on (the user’s Facebook page),” the user wrote. “Please use the money for a good deed. Get creative and post pictures and updates on our Facebook page!”

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