The Fox Squirrel Corn Maze is back and offering discounts to first responders and veterans.
By Casey Jeanite
Staff Intern
The fifth annual Fox Squirrel Corn Maze will open Saturday, Oct. 15, at the Futch family farm, 3002 Charlie Taylor Road. It will run Saturdays and Sundays through Sunday, Oct. 30.
This year, guests can navigate their way through corn stalks standing over 6 feet tall in hopes of spotting one of the notorious fox squirrels who inhabit the ranch.
The maze cuts through 5 acres of corn stalks. Each year, the corn maze path makes a different design. This year, it spells out “FSCM supports our heroes.” The design is a Futch family tribute to honor those who serve while still challenging those who dare enter the maize labyrinth.
“We started saying troops, and I said, ‘No,’” Janet Futch said. “We can’t just say ‘police’ or ‘veterans.’ We need to say ‘heroes.’”
The Futch family will be offering $2 off admission to heroes, including military veterans, active servicemembers, police, firefighters and paramedics. To get the discount, you must have identification.
There will be plenty of fall festivities to indulge in besides the corn maze, including hay rides, duck races, arts and crafts, badminton, cornhole, a corn box, similar to a sand box, and dummy steer roping. A country store includes home decor items, Futch family jams and country trinkets. Food will be provided by local vendors, and there will be a pumpkin patch. Families can take home a pumpkin to carve or decorate the pumpkin at the ranch.
If finding your way through a towering corn maze and eating strawberry shortcake aren’t your thing, Futch still recommends coming out to enjoy the countryside. Guests will be able to see cows and goats who call the ranch home.
In its inaugural year, the maze drew nearly 7,000 puzzle lovers. With the rise of agritourism, the Futches decided the corn maze would be the perfect way to share their Plant City heritage with children and families throughout Tampa Bay.
The maze will open at 10 a.m. and the gate closes at 5 p.m. Guests must exit the ranch by 6 p.m.
Tickets are $11 for adults; $10 for children 3 to 17 years old; and free for those 2 and under. There is not ATM at the ranch. Many vendors are cash only.
No pets allowed.