The following information was gathered from incident and arrest reports obtained from the Plant City Police Department. NOV. 18 GOLF CART CAPER 2000 block of Clubhouse Drive. Grand Theft. Unknown suspect(s) stole golf cart No. 61. STICKER SHOCK 1 Police Place. Theft. The victim came to the police department to report the theft of his […]
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Cops Corner 12.05.13
The following information was gathered from incident and arrest reports obtained from the Plant City Police Department. NOV. 11 TARGET PRACTICE Intersection of Alabama and Spruce streets. Shooting into an Occupied Vehicle. The victim reported that at about 11 a.m., he was driving westbound on Alabama Street, near Spruce Street, when someone shot and hit […]
Continue ReadingCops Corner 11.28.13
The following information was gathered from incident and arrest reports obtained from the Plant City Police Department. NOV. 4 MEAN TRICK 500 block of East Renfro Street. Petit Theft. The victim stated that on Halloween, she left her Huawei cell phone at her house on the couch and left to go trick-or-treating with her children. […]
Continue ReadingCops Corner 11.14.13
The following information was gathered from incident and arrest reports obtained from the Plant City Police Department. OCT. 28 PITCHING PRACTICE? 100 block of North Evers Street. Criminal Mischief. Sometime overnight, an unknown person threw a rock at the exterior glass, causing it to break. Déjà VU 200 block of West Reynolds Street. Criminal Mischief. […]
Continue ReadingCops Corner 11.07.13
The following information was gathered from incident and arrest reports obtained from the Plant City Police Department. OCT. 21 FULLY INVOLVED 1800 block of Turkey Creek Road. Structure Fire/Standby for Plant City Fire Rescue. Officers responded to the warehouse at the request of Plant City Fire Rescue. The entire warehouse, about 10,000 square feet, was […]
Continue ReadingCops Corner 10.31.13
The following information was gathered from incident and arrest reports obtained from the Plant City Police Department. OCT. 14 FUNNY MONEY 1900 block of South Frontage Road. Counterfeit Bill. The customer advised officers he was given a counterfeit bill as change at the convenience store. The bill was confiscated and impounded.. LUCKY GUESS? 700 block […]
Continue ReadingCops Corner 10.24.13
OCT. 14 FUNNY MONEY 1900 block of South Frontage Road. Counterfeit Bill. The customer advised officers he was given a counterfeit bill as change at the convenience store. The bill was confiscated and impounded.. LUCKY GUESS? 700 block of South Gibbs Street. Residential Burglary. The victim advised an unknown suspect gained entry to her residence […]
Continue ReadingCops Corner 10.17.13
The following information was gathered from incident and arrest reports obtained from the Plant City Police Department. OCT. 7 THAT’S JUST COLD 610 block of Coronet Street. Residential Burglary. The victim stated he was out of town, and, when he came home, he noticed his window A/C unit and some of his clothes had been […]
Continue ReadingCops Corner 10.10.13
The following information was gathered from incident and arrest reports obtained from the Plant City Police Department. SEPT. 23 STOLEN STEREO 1700 block of East Warren Street. Vehicle Burglary. Unknown person(s) stole a JVC stereo from the dash of an unlocked 2002 Nissan Maxima. online pharmacy amoxil for sale no prescription TOOL TROUBLE 100 block […]
Continue ReadingCops Corner 10.03.13
The following information was gathered from incident and arrest reports obtained from the Plant City Police Department. SEPT. 16 JEEP JACKED 4600 block of South Country Hills Court. Grant Theft Auto. The victim reported his 1995 Jeep Cherokee was stolen between 8 p.m. Sept. 15, and 8:30 a.m. Sept. 16. online pharmacy buy periactin no […]
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