It’s the time of year when many of us select our health insurance plans for next year. Determining which plan is right for you and your family can sometimes feel overwhelming. Here are some questions to ask to help you evaluate your options: What is the total cost?The amount you pay each month is only […]
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Focus on Fitness: Ten steps for healthier holidays
The holiday season seems to have snuck up on us, just like those extra pounds if we’re not careful.
Continue ReadingDoctor’s Note: “Healthy Ears Throughout the Years”
Keep your ears healthy by taking precautions against harmfully loud noises.
Continue ReadingFocus on Fitness: Is the gym making you sick?
Gyms are a breeding ground for the germs that cause colds, flu, skin infections and viruses.
Continue ReadingFeeling Off, or Is It Something More?
More than 14.8 million Americans experience depressions. And feeling sad isn’t the only symptom. There are many other symptoms that can interfere with your daily life and ability to function. What Is Depression?Depression affects how you feel, think and act. It’s more than just having a bad day. Depression can affect anyone. There are more […]
Continue ReadingFocus on Fitness: Diet hacks
There are some simple ways to eat better and keep a healthy weight.
Continue ReadingDoctors Note: Reimagine the Possibilities with Renuvion™ Cosmetic Technology
Who says aging has to show? Renuvion™ is a new revolutionary technology that can be used to rejuvenate and tighten skin on the face and neck in the office.
Continue ReadingBusting Myths About Flu Shots
Getting a flu shot every year is the best way to protect yourself, your community and those you love from the flu. However, many people avoid getting the vaccine because they’ve heard incorrect information about it. Here’s a look at myths and facts about the flu shot. Myth: I could get the flu from the […]
Continue ReadingFocus on Fitness: Sleep and wellness
Exercise improves sleep and sleep improves exercise.
Continue ReadingDoctor’s Note: Keeping your voice at its best
We have all experienced “hoarseness” and loss of voice. It could have been the result of yelling at an event, allergies, or an infection like acute laryngitis. Having a voice is important, so keeping it strong and healthy should be a priority.
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