If you want to keep that new year’s resolution of getting in shape, read on.
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Focus on Fitness: Dance your way to better health
Looking for a fun way to stay fit? Put your dancing shoes on.
Continue ReadingFocus on Fitness: Piece de resistance
Resistance band training can put a new twist on any workout.
Continue ReadingDoctor’s Note: ‘The Season for Sneezing’
We’ve all had that moment when a recurring sneeze or two lead to some self-pondering. “Am I getting a cold right now?” or “Are my allergies acting up?”
Continue ReadingFocus on Fitness: Just keep swimming
Want a fun, full-body workout experience? Just jump in the pool.
Continue ReadingFocus on Fitness: Walk your way to wellness
Walking is sometimes overlooked as a form of exercise, but can be an excellent choice for many people looking to improve or maintain their health.
Continue ReadingFocus on Fitness: Run for your life
The benefits of running go far beyond what it can do for your physical health.
Continue ReadingDoctor’s Note: “Do You Hear That?”
The most common misconception about tinnitus is that people believe it’s a condition all on its own, when in fact, it’s actually a symptom that could be related to an array of underlying health issues.
Continue ReadingFocus on Fitness: Slow down ‘biological aging’ by putting yourself first
Jeans, wine, cheese, cast iron skillets — what do these things have in common? They all get better with age, and so can you.
Continue ReadingFocus on Fitness: Give pickleball a shot
No pickles were harmed in the making of this sport.
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