What’s the best way to start the day?
Continue ReadingAround Town
Around Town 6.28.18
Which American freedom are you most thankful for?
Continue ReadingAround Town 6.21.18
We asked: What’s the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to you?
Continue ReadingAround Town 6.14.18
We asked: If all jobs had the same pay and hours, what job would you like to have?
Continue ReadingAround Town 6.7.18
We asked: What fictional place would you most like to go to?
Continue ReadingAround Town 5.31.18
We asked: What trend or fad would you like to see come back?
Continue ReadingAround Town 5.24.18
We asked: If you had to give a 40 minute presentation on any topic, but you had no time to prepare what would you talk about?
Continue ReadingAround Town 5.17.18
We asked: What is your favorite restaurant to eat at in Plant City?
Continue ReadingAround Town 5.10.18
In honor of Mother’s Day we asked: What is a sacrifice your mother or an influential woman in your life made for your family that meant a lot to you?
Continue ReadingAround Town 5.3.18
We asked: What decade do you think made the best music?
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