There were several age groups for the prettiest and most handsome babies at the 2016 Florida Strawberry Festival.
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Photo Gallery: 2016 Baby Contest Diaper Derby
The Diaper Derby was the last phase of the Baby Contest at the 2016 Florida Strawberry Festival.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: 2016 Baby Contest Prettiest and Most Handsome 6 to 9 months
There were several age groups for the prettiest and most handsome babies at the 2016 Florida Strawberry Festival Baby Contest.
Continue ReadingPhoto Gallery: 2016 Baby Contest Diaper Competitions
The Florida Strawberry Festival 2016 diaper competitions included cutest, funniest, cartoon and strawberry themed.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: Florida Strawberry Festival Mosaic Youth Swine Show
Emma Stephens’ pig was declared the Grand Champion.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: 43rd Annual Civitan’s Florida Strawberry Festival Youth Parade
The annual parade featured Plant City royalty, local organizations and area schools.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: 2016 Florida Strawberry Festival Josh Turner concert
Josh Turner performed Thursday, March 3.
Continue ReadingPhoto Gallery: 2016 Florida Strawberry Festival Circus Incredible
The Wallenda family will perform three times daily at the 2016 Florida Strawberry Festival.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: 2016 Florida Strawberry Festival FFA Exhibits
Students work hard to put together their FFA exhibits.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: Jimmy Sturr
2016 Florida Strawberry Festival: Jimmy Sturr
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