Doris Elizabeth Connell, The Rev. Wintely L. Ingram and Geraldine “Jerry” Tanner
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OBITUARIES: 10.04.12
Melvin Kenneth Blandford, Stephen Alfred Carraggi, Edwin C. Kalm, Arnold Jefferson McEver and James Leroy Stincill
Continue ReadingOBITUARIES: 09.27.12
Thomas Collins Campbell, Ruby L. Chaney, Betty Jane Dent, Francis B. Filter, Anna Lee Hall and Agnes Tessitore
Continue ReadingOBITUARIES: 09.20.12
Bruce Martin Culpepper, Milo R. Grabow, Ralph Hamlin Mann and Catherine A. Williamson
Continue ReadingOBITUARIES: 09.06.12
Helen L. Covert, Daniel Steven Oliver, Narciso Rivera, Glen Frederick Schliemann and Inez Goette Yoho
Continue ReadingOBITUARIES: 08.30.12
Corey Baker, Charles W. Binnion, Dalton Sylvester Blanton, Barbara A. Varnadoe Caccamisi and Fannie Mae Harwell
Continue ReadingOBITUARIES: 08.23.12
James Daniel Mathis, Richard W. McDougall, Robert Thomas Rhodes and Danyell Christina Weber
Continue ReadingOBITUARIES: 08.16.12
Andrew C. ‘Shorty’ Cothron, Betty Jean Holt, Cecil J. Judah, Richard W. McDougall, Robert Thomas Rhodes, Donna Jean Sprouse and Danyell Christina Weber
Continue ReadingOBITUARIES: 08.09.12
Kyle R. Ammerman, Ricky E. Bradford, Bertha K. Gaschler, Sandra Annette Nave, James L. Tomlinson, Joseph Allen Weyand and Elouise Williamson
Continue ReadingOBITUARIES: 08.02.12
Bruce Crumpton, Jacqueline Elspeth Cudmore Grace and James L. Tomlinson
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