Aaron Carricato worked his way up from dishwasher to award-winning restaurant franchise owner. Perseverance keyed the rise.
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Christmas in the Park
The annual holiday-themed event returned to Plant City on Dec. 16.
Continue Reading12.22.17 Obituaries
12.22.17 Obituaries
Continue ReadingSpreading Christmas cheer
New Hope @ the Cornerstone held an Old Fashion Christmas event Saturday evening. The church offered festive activities, free food and a delightful horse and buggy ride.
Continue ReadingElks host PCFR and PCPD awards dinner
Plant City Fire Rescue awarded employees Thursday night.
Continue Reading12.15.17 Around Town
We asked: What is your favorite song for the holiday season?
Continue ReadingIt’s ham-er time
The 43rd annual Tampa Bay Hamfest, a gathering of amateur radio enthusiasts, drew attendees of all ages.
Continue Reading12.15.17 Obituaries
12.15.17 Obituaries
Continue Reading12.8.17 Around Town
We asked: What’s at the top of your Christmas wish list?
Continue ReadingReindeer games
The GFWC Plant City Junior Woman’s Club hopes its Reindeer Run will go down in history as a bright way to kick off the holiday season.
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