Joyce Warren Giddens
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Obituary: Mary Shirley
Mary Shirley
Continue ReadingObituary: Betty Jane Sternbauer
Betty Jane Sternbauer
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: Burney Elementary Cinco de Mayo
The event was held Friday, May 5.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: 2017 Little Miss Plant City Contest
J’Zell Gilbertsen was crowned the 2017 Queen.
Continue ReadingPlant City celebrates National Day of Prayer
National Day of Prayer was observed Thursday, May 4. Natl.
Continue ReadingAround Town 5.5
We asked: Is pineapple on pizza right or wrong?
Continue Reading‘Last Round-Up of the Guacamole Queens’ takes Plant City Entertainment stage
The third play in a trilogy featuring the Verdeen cousins, “Last Round-Up of the Guacamole Queens” will run for two weekends and features familiar faces on the PCE stage.
Continue ReadingObituary: Betty Jane Sternbauer
Betty Jane Sternbauer
Continue ReadingObituary: Freddie Wright
Freddie Wright
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