Hattie Mae Potts
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Obituary: Jimmie Prevett
Jimmie Prevett
Continue ReadingObituary: Billy Ray Sims Sr.
Billy Ray Sims Sr.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: Celebrity Chef Dinner 2017
Emily Ellyn was this year’s celebrity chef.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: Cork Elementary Color Run
The run, a fundraiser for the school, was held Saturday, Feb. 4.
Continue ReadingGoing for Gold
The Jensen’s Heart of Gold Gala is moving to Lakeland for 2017, but the event is still made possible by continued Plant City support.
Continue ReadingSoldiers Are Made: Purple Heart recipient finds service above self
After getting injured in Baghdad, Iraq, in July 2007, retired U.S. Army Cpl. Jonny Flores was awarded a Purple Heart Medal. Now, the Plant City resident lives for those who didn’t get a second chance.
Continue ReadingAround Town 02.03.17
We asked: What three movies are you most excited to see in 2017?
Continue ReadingObituary: James Francis “Jimmie” Sweat
James Francis “Jimmie” Sweat
Continue ReadingObituary: Michael Bishop
Michael Bishop
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