Pamela “Pam” N. Sanford
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Obituary: Otis E. Schofield
Otis E. Schofield
Continue ReadingObituary: Irma Audrey Alred Simmons
Irma Audrey Alred Simmons
Continue ReadingObituary: Jolyn Barnes Tyson
Jolyn Barnes Tyson
Continue ReadingObituary: Evelyn Jane Beaty Crosby
Evelyn Jane Beaty Crosby
Continue ReadingObituary: Nellie Dukes DuBose
Nellie Dukes DuBose
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Continue ReadingYOUR TOWN: Tomlin teacher elected to Florida Strawberry Festival’s associate board of directors
Suzanne Cribbs was elected Tuesday, Jan. 10.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: MLK Festival opening ceremony
The MLK Recreation Center hosted the festival’s opening events on Friday, Jan. 13.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: 2017 MLK Festival Freedom Parade
The parade was held Saturday, Jan. 14.
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