Russel Mercado
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Obituary: Samuel Pelham Jr.
Samuel Pelham Jr.
Continue ReadingObituary: Donald Lewis Urbina Sr.
Donald Lewis Urbina Sr.
Continue ReadingObituary: Mavis Wall Veasey
Mavis Wall Veasey
Continue ReadingObituary: Jack Benton Welch Sr.
Jack Benton Welch Sr.
Continue ReadingObituary: Bobby Joe Wheeler
Bobby Joe Wheeler
Continue ReadingAround Town 09.16.16
What is your least favorite restaurant?
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: Hopewell 9/11 first responders dinner
The dinner was held Sunday, Sept. 11.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: Open House at Advantage Academy
The open house, which included a book fair, was held Thursday, Sept. 8.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: Beading on a Loom at the 1914 High School Community Center
The class was taught by beading instructor Joyce Bugaiski.
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