What are you most looking forward to on the Fourth of July?
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PHOTO GALLERY: VBS 2016 at GracePoint Plant City
The camp will run through Wednesday, June 29.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: VBS 2016 at Harmony Baptist Church
The Vacation Bible School had a military theme.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: VBS 2016 at First Baptist Church of Plant City
A balloon sculpture completed the “Submerged” theme.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: Tomlin Celebrates Straight “A” Students
Students who earned a perfect GPA were given an engraved lock as a lasting reminder of their hard work.
Continue ReadingSenior of the Month: Bruce Rodwell
A career as a produce buyer brought Bruce Rodwell to check out the strawberry action in Plant City in 1996. He never left.
Continue ReadingHeart in the Clouds: Hometown Hero Richard Glorioso
In air and on land, United States Air Force Ret. Col. Richard Glorioso has found ways to give back.
Continue ReadingObituary: Hayden Quinn Frelich
Hayden Quinn Frelich
Continue ReadingObituary: Barbara A. Graham
Barbara A. Graham
Continue ReadingObituary: Jewel Ashworth Quinn
Jewel Ashworth Quinn
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