Aaron Radatz Magical Entertainer Aaron started performing at the young age of six and quickly turned his grandmother’s gift of a magic set into a full-time hobby. At 15, Aaron began performing for various schools, organizations, and private parties. From the earliest moments of his professional life, Radatz attracted global clients who were leaders in […]
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2024 Florida Strawberry Festival Guide: Where to Park Once You Arrive at the Florida Strawberry Festival
If you live within walking or biking distance to the Florida Strawberry Festival, consider yourself blessed, because with attendance figures that topples 600,000 for the 11-day event, showing up in your car on a busy day isn’t the best way to start what’s supposed to be a fun day. The Florida Strawberry Festival starts Thurs., […]
Continue Reading2024 Florida Strawberry Festival Guide: Strawberry Festival Pop Quiz
1. How many people attended last year’s festival? a. 606.116 b. 465,049 c. 342,843 d. 152, 222 2. Strawberries are a member of what family? a. Magnolia b. Rose c. Cactus d. Maple 3. What’s the best way to store strawberries at home? a. Keep them at room temperature b. In an airtight container c. […]
Continue Reading2024 Florida Strawberry Festival Guide: An APP-solutely Fantastic Way to Enhance your
Download the Florida Strawberry Festival app to have maps, schedules, parking and more at your fingertips.
Continue Reading2024 Florida Strawberry Festival Guide:A Look Back
The Florida Strawberry Festival has a long, proud history that’s woven into Plant City’s identity. These photos, which were collected by and are courtesy of the Plant City Photo Archives and History Center, help illustrate that.
Strawberry Festival Parade To March Through Plant City.
Continue ReadingCoworkers Bring Food and Fun to Their Workplace
Burning questions like, “Is cheesecake actually pie?” are answered.
Continue ReadingThe Angel Foundation Joins the Plant City Community
The Mission of the Angel Foundation is to partner with businesses and individuals to be a caring resource for families in our community experiencing a temporary crisis due to a life-threatening illness or catastrophic event. Their program matches families with local businesses and individuals with available resources to help meet practical needs. The foundation will […]
Continue ReadingFazoli’s Celebrates Two Years of Pasta Perfection
Fazoli’s owner Rodney Keys has been serving up great pasta dishes, and supporting the local community, for two years.
Continue ReadingAround Town 02.29.24
We asked Plant City: What song puts you in a good mood?
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