Guests 60 and older can get discounted tickets to see a movie every Monday morning.
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Then And Now: The Hillsboro State Bank Building
For more than a century the building has stood as a reminder of Plant City’s history.
Continue ReadingCommissioners Approve Funds For McCall Park Refresh
The park, nestled in the heart of downtown, will get a new gazebo, benches and landscaping.
Continue ReadingPlant City Police Department Welcome New Officers
Four officers were sworn in last week to bring the force size to 71.
Continue ReadingCSX Railroad Track Maintenance To Impact Polk and Hillsborough County
The track maintenance project began Monday in Polk County and will continue into Plant City in coming weeks.
Continue ReadingObituaries 8.17.23
Continue ReadingAround Town 8.17.23
We asked Plant City: What’s the first movie you remember seeing in theaters?
Continue ReadingObituaries 8.10.23
Continue ReadingAround Town 8.10.23
We asked Plant City: What is your favorite thing about Plant City?
Continue ReadingAli & Gracie’s Back to School Bash a hit!
Along with the community partnership, several local businesses pitched in to make the event a success.
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