By Michael Eng | Managing Editor Pleasant Grove Assembly of God Youth Pastor George Flores remembers the exact moment when he fell in love with music. He was about 7 years old at the time; his older brother, Juan, was 9. “My brother and I shared a room, and we were watching Woodstock on TV,” […]
Continue ReadingNeighbors
online pharmacy no prescription pharmacy By Amber Jurgensen | Staff Writer Ericca Hope Garrison sits in her studio clicking through photos on her website. Her desk is a mixture between modern and rustic, with a sturdy glass tabletop supported by utilitarian hardwood legs. The walls are covered in posters and art created by Garrison.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: Strong Leader Award
David Miller received the Plant City Family YMCA’s annual Strong Leader Award this week during a banquet at the Trinkle Center.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: Tea with the Queen
It was a dainty day as pretty pageant girls entered Camellia Rose Tea Room and Boutique. 2012 Strawberry Court members sat at a table with the Strawberry Queen, Chelsea Bowden, sipping fine teas and munching on tasty treats during ‘Tea with the Queen.’
Continue ReadingNEIGHBORS: Andy Kovacs
online pharmacy buy naprosyn online no prescription online pharmacy no prescription By Matt Mauney | Staff Writer The radio business has been Andy Kovacs’ life for 16 years. online pharmacy no prescription online pharmacy buy diflucan with best prices today in the USA He considers himself a radio guru, but the Plant City […]
Continue ReadingOBITUARIES: 08.23.12
James Daniel Mathis, Richard W. McDougall, Robert Thomas Rhodes and Danyell Christina Weber
Continue ReadingCommunity remembers educator Leslie Morris
By Amber Jurgensen | Staff Writer Leslie Morris always had time to give a hug to a student or introduce herself to every parent in a room. From the time Morris graduated from the University of South Florida in 1974, she impacted the lives of people with developmental disabilities, most recently at the MacDonald Training […]
Continue ReadingSisters stitch together new quilting shop
By Amber Jurgensen | Staff Writer Sisters Lisa La Pointe and Lynn Harberl are the fashionistas of their new store, Inspire! Quilting and Sewing. Dressed in bold prints with even bolder colors, the trendy two are accessorized with chandelier earrings that complement their bangle bracelets and glittering rings. Their dynamic style matches the vibrancy of […]
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: Back to school
Take a sigh of relief, moms. The new school year began Tuesday. Students crowd the halls excited to see their friends and favorite teachers.
Continue ReadingGator creeps into Lions Club den
Members of the Lions Club of Plant City broke bread with a pair of reptilian guests at their meeting Aug. 21, at The Catering Company & Cafe.
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