John Wayne Hazelett, Harold ‘The Barber’ LaGrone, Ethel ‘Ruth’ Lane, Johnny Gregory McDaniel and Anna D. Olson
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PHOTO GALLERY: Spirit of America
By Michael Eng | Managing Editor For the July 4 edition of the Plant City Observer, we scoured the city searching for images that depicted the American culture and patriotism.
Continue ReadingNEIGHBOR: Kate Chang
By Amber Jurgensen | Staff Writer You’ll be seeing Kate Chang reading her favorite pop-up book, “Wide Mouth Frog,” at the Bruton Memorial Library more often. After a stint as the teen librarian and the computer-services librarian, Chang is now the new children’s librarian. Chang took the position June 3, following longtime children’s librarian Carol […]
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: Walden Lake Early Learning Center kids tour fire station
By Michael Eng | Managing Editor Students from Walden Lake Early Learning Center got an up-close look into the life of a firefighter during their recent tour of the Plant City Fire Department.
Continue ReadingPHOTO GALLERY: Durant High Commencement
By Michael Eng | Managing Editor Durant High School’s Class of 2012 celebrated Commencement June 1, at the Florida State Fairgrounds Expo Hall.
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