This week’s happenings in Plant City include a heroes’ banners in downtown, flags on veterans’ graves and a service honoring those who’ve served our country.
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City Informs Developer Live Local Act Not Applicable
Attorneys for the developer say they’re evaluating their options.
Continue ReadingPlant City Celebrates Veterans and Active-Duty Military
Placemats made by children for the event now adorn veterans’ graves at Arlington National Cemetary.
Continue ReadingCommunity Invited To Talk Transportation At Public Meeting
FDOT will host the meeting at Bruton Memorial Library to discuss roadway improvements.
Continue ReadingPlant City Code Enforcement Officers Go Snipe Hunting
Snipe signs are removed from public property and recycled into an alternative fuel source.
Continue ReadingSwine Crime: Inflatable Pig Stolen From Jarrett Scott Ford
The Plant City Chamber of Commerce is offering $100 in Pig Bucks to anyone who can help them locate the beloved Pig Jam mascot.
Continue ReadingNews Briefs 11.02.23
This week’s happenings in Plant City include a strolling bagpiper, demolition of a downtown gazebo and a Thanksgiving feast.
Continue ReadingWish Farms Invests In Renewable Energy
The year-round berry supplier completed a large solar project at its Plant City headquarters.
Continue ReadingPlanning Commission Seeks Public Input
The Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission is
rolling out recommendations for growth over the next 20 years and seeking public input.
Hillsborough County Magnet School Window Opens
Learn more about Lincoln Elementary Magnet School or one of the other county magnet schools at one of several open house events being held this month.
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