I read the Plant City Observer article today (Jan. 21) about the strawberry shortcake. There are three booths that sell shortcake: St.Clement’s, East Hillsborough and Transforming Life Church. My husband is the pastor at Transforming Life Church and our church has been selling shortcake at the festival for 42 years including this year. online pharmacy […]
Continue ReadingLetters to the Editor
Letter to the Editor: Constant Walden Lake power outages unacceptable
Here is a festering issue of over three years of power surges, power interruptions and power failures in the Walden Lake development. Repeated efforts to get answers and solutions have met with no one accepting responsibility and worse, no hope for a solution. TECO blames COVID, blames vermin invading their equipment and any other excuse […]
Continue ReadingLetter to the Editor: Streaming into the future: First efforts into a live parade
There was no decision on whether I’d watch the first “live stream” of the 2020 Christmas parade in Plant City. I knew I’d be viewing it from the comfort of my home, sitting on a large recliner facing the 4K television that I selected to watch it on. My popcorn was ready. It was different […]
Continue ReadingLetter to the Editor: Plant City at the drive-in
Dear Mayor, City Manager and Parks Director, With the sky-high interest in drive-in movie theatres these days, I propose the city establish a temporary drive-in theatre in the Plant City Stadium complex area. The face of the parking area on the west side of the stadium is ideal for movie watching. The city can acquire […]
Continue ReadingLetter to the Editor: Response to David Bailey
As the Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections, I was dismayed to see a letter to the editor (David Bailey, July 16) that contained completely false information. And while the paper included an editor’s note, I think it’s imperative that I confront, and correct, this misinformation and false narrative directly. online pharmacy celexa over the counter […]
Continue ReadingLetter to the Editor: Response to C.L. Townsend’s defense of Vote By Mail ballots
A recent writer (C.L. Townsend, May 28) advocated mail-in ballots for the upcoming election. He says his primary concern is public safety during this time of the coronavirus pandemic. Although we already have the right to request a mail-in ballot for those who really need it, our Supervisor of Elections, Craig Latimer, has sent these […]
Continue ReadingLetter to the Editor: Comments to Plant City Redevelopment Agency
Plant City has experienced plenty of residential growth lately, much of it starter or one-step-above starter home development on small lots scattered around the outskirts of the city. Further, it is well known the city has an interest in midtown revitalization to maintain and improve the character of that area. Within the midst of all […]
Continue ReadingLetter to the Editor: Vote by Mail offers safe participation in elections
The current status of the national COVID-19 pandemic has raised concerns about the economic impact and the risks to public health. Further, the situation is occurring in the context of the national election season. The good news is that we already have a system that can help alleviate a lot of concerns voters may have […]
Continue ReadingLetter to the Editor: WLCA must stand strong again
online pharmacy lasix for sale no prescription pharmacy Dear Walden Lake Neighbors, online pharmacy buy avodart no prescription The failure of the Walden Lake Country Club will once again test the resolve of our homeowners’ association, the WLCA. Five years ago, then-club owner Visions Golf applied for rezoning of the property for residential development. Visions’ […]
Continue ReadingLetters to the Editor: More on that Walden Lake survey
Dear Editor, In the interest of complete transparency re: the previous article on “Walden Lakers Thoughts On Development” please include the below information in your next publication. Also, would you please advise that it will be included and confirm the publication date. “The recent article about “Walden Lakers Share Thoughts On Development” left out some […]
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