The room is packed. Susan Sullivan flits from one end of the classroom to the other, greeting those who walk in. With a positive reputation from Tomlin Middle School, she is taking what she has learned as principal of TMS and amplifying it in her new role as Plant City High School’s principal. Then there’s […]
Continue ReadingOpinion
Letter: Let the chamber have its funding
Dear Editor, Recently there has been an attempt to cut all City of Plant City funding for the Greater Plant City Chamber of Commerce using the argument that there is no tangible evidence that the Chamber is doing anything for the money it is receiving. The funding is provided for the Chamber to use in […]
Continue ReadingPlant City’s Noon Rotary Club: 60 Years of Service
When a 1905 group of Chicago businessmen envisioned a service club that would function like the driving force of a machine’s rotary wheel they did not know just how far that vision would take Rotary International. Rotary has grown to 24,282 clubs, 1.22 million members in over 200 countries, $1.2 billion in assets and annual […]
Continue ReadingHow big are your dreams?
Have you ever began a project with the sunshine of excitement only to be met with the dreary rain of others’ doubt and despairing words? Do the phrases, “You can’t do that” or “Are you out of your mind,” inspire you to roll forward with a new sense of “Watch me!” Or do they make […]
Continue ReadingFaith Matters: Summertime
Summer has finally arrived. We’ve been having those “dog days” and those “lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer,” and it’s only July. Plans are being made or have already been made by many of us for our summer getaway. Many, I’m sure, are looking forward to that long overdue R & R or some escape […]
Continue ReadingPlant City High School leadership plans to enhance community ties
Effective organizations, and their leaders, are self-analytical, constantly identifying weaknesses and areas in performance that can be improved. Human biases naturally limit this process, but many of these limitations are removed when a new leader takes the reins. Susan Sullivan is now the new principal at Plant City High School. She, along with PCHS PTSA […]
Continue ReadingConcerned about Walden Lake newsletter
Dear Editor: I received on July 11 the latest Walden Lake newsletter. I could not believe what the president of the Walden Lake Community Association, Bob Hunter, wrote. The article has a lot of one-sided information. As president, he should remain neutral and not be taking a stance for or against any issue of this […]
Continue ReadingLife Lessons from the Field: Limping through Life
As I returned home from an appointment with the orthopedic doctor, I pondered his professional recommendation of a total right hip replacement. I began the process of contacting my primary care doctor, making room on the schedule (I was asking God to stop the sun for two weeks and he said “No!”), and eating less […]
Continue ReadingMoral hazard faces Plant City leaders
Dear Editor: “A moral hazard is a situation in which one party gets involved in a risky venture knowing that it is protected against risk and some other party will incur the cost … otherwise known as, privatizing the gains and socializing the losses …” On August 13, the speculators at Visions Golf LLC will […]
Continue ReadingLearning to Love the Weeds: Bidens Alba
By Donna Bollenbach | Florida Native Plant Society Nothing attracts more butterflies and bees than a simple white flower called bidens alba. Also called romerillo, beggar’s tick, Spanish needle or monkey’s lice, this Florida native wildflower is the third most reliable source of nectar for pollinators in our state. There would be many starving bees and butterflies […]
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