Editor’s note: This is a letter to the Plant City community from Charles “Bud” Moriarty, the father of Kelly Moriarty. Kelly Moriarty and Plant City resident Doris Carter were last seen Dec. 16, 2011, at Carter’s Plant City home. On Dec 27, 2011, a severed leg washed ashore behind at 6990 Fourth St. S., in […]
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LETTER: Round one goes to invasive potato vine
Dear Editor: I was stunned to read the remark of Walden Lake Community Association President Jan Griffin in your paper that money saved from switching management companies was going toward eradicating the potato vine in Walden Lake. online pharmacy buy celexa online cheap pharmacy I was at the Sept. 30 WLCA meeting, and I didn’t […]
Continue ReadingPERMACULTURE LIVING: Observation key to design
In permaculture property design, there are 12 principles that a property designer uses for guidance when creating a site plan. The 12 principles overlap each other, honoring the relationships that exist among the natural and manmade elements that influence the site. Each element has some impact and, ideally, should be identified and then worked with […]
Continue ReadingLETTER: In support of WLCA’s leaders
Dear Editor: Regarding the controversy over the Walden Lake golf course and the Walden Lake Community Association, please allow me to give another point of view. My husband and I moved here more than 15 years ago, from Seattle. At the time, my husband was an avid golfer. The purchase of our beautiful home in Emerald […]
Continue ReadingMY VIEW: Small-town living is what is right with America
Growing up in Plant City, I remember people who contributed to the good life of our community, and I know people now who still make the lives we live here even better. That advantage is shared by anyone who grew up in a town that values a sense of place and the role that place […]
Continue ReadingSHOW ME THE MAUNEY: Farewell to the Winter Strawberry Capital
When I first accepted this job and moved from Atlanta to Plant City, I didn’t know what to expect. Like many of my colleagues, being a part of a startup paper was both exciting and scary. The opportunity was great, but the transition was one of the most significant of my life. Gone was the […]
Continue ReadingOBSERVED: Monkey See, Monkey Do
My induction into the Daybreak Rotary Club had followed dignified protocol — mostly. President-elect Jim Chancey introduced me first. Then, District Governor George Robertson-Burnett had ceremoniously read the induction speech. A shiny pin was placed on my lapel. I was almost officially part of Rotary. But first, I had one more task. President George Banning […]
Continue ReadingLETTER: Lady Raider’s composure on golf course impresses spectator
Dear Editor: It was 3 p.m. I was bored and went to watch the Plant City High School girls play a round of golf with the girls from Steinbrenner High. Not only was I cured of the boredom of a hot summer afternoon, but also I was treated to a golf clinic put on — if […]
Continue ReadingLETTER: Is the Walden Lake Community Association out of bounds?
Dear Editor: Transparency, consistency and objectivity are minimum standards all dues-paying members deserve from their homeowners association. A lack of transparency, a lack of consistency and conflicts of interest in any public entity can lead to the appearances of impropriety and to an environment of mistrust. At a recent board meeting of the Walden Lake […]
Continue ReadingLETTER: Mercer raises more questions than he answers
Dear Steve Mercer: Most people have empathy for those who run their own businesses, and I doubt anyone in this community has any personal animosity toward you or your partners. However, your recent letter in the Plant City Times & Observer raised more questions than it answered. You stated, “No one was interested in buying […]
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