By Joshua Loudermilk | Contributing Writer I sit a bit miffed by the fact I just paid $4 for a single bottle of orange juice. It is not like there is anything special about it. Maybe I am paying for their marketing. That must be it. Here is what I paid for: “We use only the freshest, […]
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SHOW ME THE MAUNEY: Future is bright for Durant football
By Matt Mauney | Associate Editor Durant head football coach Mike Gottman said it best after the game Friday night. “It’s hard to think about anything else right now,” he said minutes after a last-second drive to tie the game fell short with an incomplete pass in the right corner of the end zone. That […]
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By Felix Haynes | Founding Publisher online pharmacy buy inderal online no prescription buy zestril online no prescription online pharmacy buy metformin online no prescription What’s the biggest safety risk you take when you drive a motor vehicle? Texting or talking on your cell phone while driving? Could be, especially if you’re like me. Before […]
Continue ReadingSHOW ME THE MAUNEY: Cougars welcome holiday practice
By Matt Mauney | Associate Editor Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for what you have in life and a chance to spend some quality time with family. With the Durant football team’s win over Tampa Bay Tech last week, the Cougars season continues and ensures at least one more game this Friday. That […]
Continue ReadingPAJAMA MAMA: A Thanksgiving lesson from my 4-year-old
By Emilie Plants | Contributing Writer There’s nothing more precious to me than seeing my children sing about God. Joyful Hearts Preschool has taught both of my children about Jesus and has given them the platform to sing His praises. buy biaxin online On the last day before Thanksgiving, it was Cooper’s turn to […]
Continue ReadingOBSERVED: Fifty reasons this dad is thankful today
By Michael Eng | Managing Editor When my wife and I decided we would leave our posts at Observer Media Group headquarters to open the Plant City Observer earlier this year, we knew not every piece of an extremely complex puzzle would fall into place at the same time. online pharmacy buy aciphex without prescription […]
Continue ReadingSHOW ME THE MAUNEY: Crest charges toward future
By Matt Mauney | Associate Editor As a sports editor for a newspaper dedicated to local high school sports coverage, any time a football team in the coverage area is undefeated, other schools often are overlooked. In one sense, rightly so, because what the Durant football program has accomplished this year is nothing short of […]
Continue ReadingLearning about Leadership; Law Enforcement, Public Safety and Justice
By Amber Jurgensen | Associate Editor Editor’s Note: Plant City Chamber of Commerce Leadership Class is a program where members of the chamber meet monthly to explore different factions and lifestyles of Plant City. Associate Editor Amber Jurgensen is taking the class to better know and understand Plant City.
Continue ReadingCOMMISSIONER’S REPORT: Economic council seeks new manager
By Al Higginbotham | Hillsborough County Comnissioner With the joint efforts of Hillsborough County and the City of Plant City, the Tampa Hillsborough Economic Development Council currently is recruiting a Project Manager for Plant City and eastern Hillsborough County. Funded by a joint agreement between the EDC, Plant City and Tampa Electric Company, the project […]
Continue ReadingSHOW ME THE MAUNEY: Winter season promises excitement
By Matt Mauney | Associate Editor Yes, the high school football season is coming to a close here, soon. Durant will be the only area team playing more than 10 games this season, but there is plenty to look forward to for high school sports fans out there. Let’s start with those football Cougars. Durant […]
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