Plant City Observer


On July 8, 2024, Plant City’s new Chief of Police and two new Deputy Chiefs were sworn in at an investiture ceremony in the City Hall auditorium. Approximately 150 people attended to show support for the new leadership team. Among the crowd were the City Commission, Attorney General Ashley Moody, County Commissioner Christine Miller, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor, and State Attorney Suzy Lopez.

PCPD Chaplain Howell gave the invocation: “…God, thank you for this great nation, great state, and the City of Plant City, our community. You tell us to pray for all of those in authority that we might lead quiet, peaceable, and Godly lives. We pray for guidance and guardance over their lives physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and in every way. We pray that you would help them excel at their jobs and be a blessing to this community and our police department.” 

An honor guard entered the room to present the flag for the room to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

City Manager Bill McDaniel gave opening remarks: “Today is a momentous occasion as we gather to witness the investiture of three leaders who have dedicated their lives to the service of others,” he said. “Chief Richard E. Mills, Jr. has a long exemplary history of public safety service as a law enforcement professional. He has shown time and again his unwavering commitment to protecting lives and property. Today, we entrust him with an even greater responsibility as our new Chief of Police. Likewise, both Deputy Chief Joseph L. Centanni, and Deputy Chief Justin Duralia, are highly accomplished professionals with distinguished careers and a history of leadership excellence.’

Former Chief Bradford then conducted the change of command. He thanked the community and its leaders for supporting him. “…You’ll find Plant City to be a place that supports and loves its police department…This is a bedrock of support and you will feel it every single day.”

Chief Mills’ wife, Kelly, pinned on him his new badge. City Clerk Kerri Miller swore in Chief Mills. 

“I am thrilled and honored to be standing here celebrating the beginning of my tenured law enforcement career as your new Plant City Police Chief. I am also excited to have two new, very respected, experienced leaders—Deputy Chief Centanni, and Deputy Chief Duralia….I pledge to all of you that your new leaders of the Plant City Police Department will serve with honor and enthusiasm, while maintaining a sense of duty, dignity, and discipline…I truly feel that our goals and vision for this city are aligned with yours. And I look forward to close and productive relationships with all of you….To our beloved Plant City Community, your active participation is vital to the success of the Plant City Police Department. I promise you an open, answerable, available police department that is receptive to your concerns….Please understand that public safety is not a spectator sport. Safe neighborhoods are the result of people and their police department working together.  

Deputy Chief Centanni’s wife, pinned his badge at the same time as Deputy Chief Duralia’s wife, pinned his badge. Chief Mills then swore in the Deputy Chiefs.

“Public safety is job number one of any municipality,” Mayor Nate Kilton said. “Unlike some other areas, we do have tremendous respect and appreciation for our first responders and military. I am so thrilled that we were so fortunate to find three outstanding candidates….I am sure I can speak for my colleagues that you will have the continued support of the dais. May God’s hand of wellness and protection be on all of our first responders in Plant City and across Hillsborough County.”

City Manager Bill McDaniel congratulated the new leadership team and closed the ceremony.

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