Christmas in the Park and Santa Sled Festival are coming back to Plant City.
Christmas is a big deal in Plant City, but it wouldn’t be the same without two of its bigger holiday events.
Christmas in the Park and the Santa Sled Festival will be back in 2015 — both on Saturday, Dec. 19. These events give local families in need an opportunity to get toys, clothes and meals in time for Christmas, and it gives everybody something fun to do on a Saturday.
This will be the 19th year that the City of Plant City has hosted Christmas in the Park.
The event will be held at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center, 1601 E. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Pre-registered families can get extra benefits, such as free toys for children ages 5 to 10 and entries in a raffle for a bicycle. Everyone who attends will be able to get a free meal, however.
The playground will be open for the kids, who will also get to go wild on a bounce house.
For additional information regarding the event visit PlantCityGov.com/628/Christmas-In-The-Park or call MLK Rec Center supervisor Lillie Brown at (813) 757-9195.
Meanwhile, the Plant City Black Heritage Festival and Des’Aimes Social Club will be hosting another edition of the annual Santa Sled Festival at Samuel W. Cooper Park.
The groups said that they plan to help over 200 families, but the impact has been greater: in 2014 the event helped a record 487 children, ages 3 to 10, get toys for Christmas.
This year’s event will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and parents who pre-registered their children will be able to get them toys and clothes for the holiday. The parents themselves also stand to benefit from the groups’ generosity, as they will also be donating turkeys and other groceries to needy families. Last year, the groups were also able to provide school supplies.
While at the park, there will be opportunities for kids to take pictures with Santa Claus, as well as horseback riding activities. The park is located at 900 E. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Food and drinks will be served at the park.
For additional information, contact Sharon Moody at (813) 453-7134 or Dorothy Smith at (813) 754-3141.
Contact Justin Kline at jkline@plantcityobserver.com.