Get involved in government by becoming a voting board member.
The City of Plant City and Hillsborough County is looking for community members to volunteer on a committee or board. Volunteers play a key role in providing advice and feedback to elected officials on a variety of issues.
While the benefits of serving aren’t monetary, participating on a committee provides a unique opportunity to lend your voice and expertise to help shape decisions and services that impact the community, expand your network and meet new people and gain a broader understanding of how municipal government works.
“I think Plant City’s citizens should get involved,” said city manager Bill McDaniel. “We create and have these opportunities for citizens to get involved in their local government and what better way to learn about your government than to serve on one of these boards.” McDaniel is also thankful for the citizens who’ve consistently served as long-term board members. “Boards are important to our operation as a city government,” he said.
While some Boards require specialized experience, others just require a willing heart and mind.
Applications can be obtained by contacting the City Clerk’s office at 813-659-4200 Ext. 4118 or by sending an email to CityClerk@plantcitygov.com.
Current openings include:
Hillsborough County Historical Advisory Council: The Council’s primary mission is to support and facilitate a uniform historical marker program throughout the County. Board members serve three-year terms.
Code Enforcement Board: This Board hears and decides alleged violations of all codes and ordinances in the city. Members serve three-year terms and must reside within city limits. Board meets the second Tuesday of the month at 5 p.m. in City Commission chambers.
Hillsborough County commissioners (BOCC) are seeking residents to serve on several County citizen advisory boards and councils. Residents interested in seeking appointment must reside in and be registered voters in Hillsborough County. Some positions require specific experience in a related-field. These are voluntary positions; members serve without compensation. Applicants may apply to more than one board but may only serve on one board at a time unless specifically approved by the BOCC.
All applicants must submit a completed Questionnaire for County Appointments and a Standards of Conduct form, which must be completed in their entirety, signed and dated. Forms and information about each position are available on the County’s website at www.HCFLGov.net. The application is due by close of business on April 27. Appointments will be scheduled for a meeting of the BOCC in May or June.
Building Board of Adjustment, Appeals and Examiners: One position is vacant with a term of four years. Board meets bi-monthly.
CareerSource Tampa Bay: Thirteen terms are expiring. Consideration for appointment will be given to representatives from the following categories: Business (8 positions), Workforce (4 positions) Education and Training (1 position). Board meets quarterly on the third Thursday at 9 a.m.
Code Enforcement Board: Three member positions and two alternate member positions are vacant. Terms are for three years. Board meets monthly.
County Internal Audit Committee: One position is vacant. Term is for two years. Committee meets quarterly.
Cross Connection and Backflow Control Board: Two new positions have been added. Terms are four years. Committee meets quarterly on the second Monday at 1 p.m.
Electrical Board of Adjustment, Appeals and Examiners: One position is vacant. Term is for two years. Board meets quarterly.
Health Care Advisory Board: One position is vacant. Term is four years. Board meets monthly on the third Thursday at 3 p.m.
Health Council of West Central Florida, Inc.: Three positions are vacant. Terms are for two years. Board meets the second Thursday, every other month, at 3:30 p.m.
Historic Preservation Challenge Grant Program Grant Review Committee: One position is vacant and two terms will expire. Terms are for two years. Committee meets annually in June.
Historic Resources Review Board: One position is vacant and one term has expired. Board meetings monthly on the the third Tuesday at 3 p.m.
Hospital Authority: Four terms will expire. Terms are four years. Board meets quarterly.
Land Use Appeals Board: Two alternate positions are vacant and one member term will expire. Terms are for three years. Board meets monthly on the first Friday at 1:30 p.m.
Mechanical Board of Adjustment, Appeals and Examiners: Three positions are vacant. Member terms are four years. Board meets quarterly.
Plumbing & Gas Board of Adjustment, Appeals and Examiners: One position is vacant. Term is for two years. Board meets quarterly.
Tampa Sports Authority: Two terms will expire. Terms are for four years. Board meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday at 4 p.m.
Value Adjustment Board:One term will expire. Term is for one year. Must own a homesteaded property in Hillsborough County. Board meets five to seven times per year.