Location on Young St will include a playground.
At 7:30 p.m. on July 12, Mayor Nate Kilton called to order the City of Plant City Regular Meeting of the City Commission. Also present were Vice-Mayor Jason Jones, City Commissioners William Dodson and Mary Mathis, City Attorney Kenneth Buchman, City Clerk Kerri Miller, and City Manager Bill McDaniel.
Aaron Flug, pastor of City Pointe Church gave the invocation. He prayed for the leaders of the city to govern with wisdom under God’s will. The assembly followed with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
When Mayor Kilton opened the floor for comments no one from the public came forward.
Since none of the City Commissioners requested discussion about routine items 24-339, 24-338, 24-343, 24-357, or 24-360, these items below passed with one motion:
24-339 – A resolution approving minutes of Regular Meeting held July 22, 2024.
24-338 – A resolution approving a mutual aid agreement that provides law enforcement assistance between the PCPD and the University of South Florida Police Department for law enforcement assistance when requested by either law enforcement agency. Possible scenarios include large protest demonstrations, aircraft disasters, fires, natural or man-made disasters, security and crowd control at sporting events, concerts, parades, special events, escapes from detention facilities, incidents requiring specialized units, and investigating homicides, sex offenses, drug violations, and other felonies. The agreement will remain in effect until January 1, 2028.
24-343 – A resolution approving an interlocal agreement with Hillsborough County, regarding 911 user fees. This allows the mayor to execute the agreement with Hillsborough County to obtain funds to support PCPD’s 911 operation.
24-357 – A resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute engineering work order modification No. 1 with Dewberry Engineers, Inc., for the McIntosh Preserve Wetlands Expansion Project. This cost of $76,490.40 is to pay for a cultural resources assessment survey (CRAS) for the project, as requested by the Florida Seminole Tribe. The purpose is to provide assurance this project will not negatively affect cultural or historic artifacts.
24-360 – A resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Consent to the Transaction with Public Trust Advisors for investment advisory services until February 21, 2026.
24-361 – A resolution excusing the absence of Commissioner Sparkman from regular City Commission meetings. This Commissioner is unable to attend meetings due to health reasons.
City Manager, Bill McDaniel, brought forward an item for a vote:
24-337 – Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an Engineering Work Order with WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure, Inc., for the design and permitting of the new Splash Park on Young Street. The cost is not-to-exceed $512,482. The splash pad will include aquatic play components, a playground, a skate park, paved walking trails, outdoor fitness equipment, and a pond with a fountain, among other things.
The next agenda items were public hearings:
24-346 – Quasi-judicial public hearing on an ordinance to modify the Midway Lake Community Unit District located north of North Frontage Road, east of North Wilder Road, south of East Sam Allen Road and west of Charlie Taylor Road (PB-2023-51). Significant sections of this request are to increase users of the airstrip from one to 20, prohibit the airstrip from being open to the public, and allowing homeowners of a contiguous parcel to use the airstrip. Discussion between the applicant and the applicant’s attorney, City Commissioners, the City Attorney, and one citizen continued for approximately one hour. The City Commissioners voted 4-0 for a continuation until February 10, 2025. This time allows the applicant to work through, and clarify, additional details with the Plant City Planning and Zoning Department before a vote.
The Commissioners also voted on these resolutions:
24-347 – A resolution setting a quasi-judicial public hearing on an ordinance for a modification to the Coventry Planned Development District located at 415 North Wilder Road (PB-2024-23). The hearing is to address a request to increase the number of beds from 15 to 18. This resolution passed 4-0.
24-350 – A resolution setting a quasi-judicial public hearing an an ordinance to rezone .14± acres located at 508 Northwest Drane Street (PB-2024-26) from multi-family dwelling to single family. This resolution passed 4-0.
24-351 – Resolution setting a legislative public hearing for a text amendment to Division 11 of Article VII, Chapter 102 Access management, off-street parking, circulation and bicycle and pedestrian facilities requirements. (PB-2024-20). Among other things this addresses potential provisions to change uses and/or number of parking spaces required for manufacturing/light industrial, rooming house, boardinghouse/club, and restaurants with drive thrus. This resolution passed 4-0. The hearing will be held during the Regular Meeting of the City Commission on August 26.
24-363 – A resolution setting a legislative public hearing on an ordinance regarding public camping or sleeping. The basis of the hearing is to address camping on public property after the June 28, United States Supreme Court decision in City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson et. al., which confirmed local government authority to address camping on public property. This resolution passed 4-0.
The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.