Plant City Observer


After being called to order, as is its custom, the Regular Meeting of the City Commission on Monday, May 13,at 7:30 p.m. began with a prayer given by Maxie Miller, Jr. Pastor of New City Church in Plant City followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States.

A proclamation was then given to congratulate and recognize the Strawberry Crest High School Cheerleading Team, who won their tenth State Title at the 2024 Competitive Cheerleading State Championship Small Varsity Coed Division IIA. This was the team’s tenth consecutive state title—which is a state record—it is notable that the cheerleading team set this record though the school has been in existence only 15 years. The cheerleading team then followed that win nine days later by winning the 2024 Universal Cheer Association’s National High School Cheerleading Championship in the Small Varsity Coed Division I. This is the team’s second national title.

Afterwards, Hillsborough County Commissioner Michael Owen and Greg Horwedel, Deputy Administrator, (and former City Manager of Plant City) gave an educational presentation about the upcoming November referendum on the community investment tax (CIT). This is a one-half cent per dollar sales tax that has been in place in Hillsborough County since 1996. The City Commissioners thanked the presenters for their clarity and commented on the referendum. No public comments were given.

The next items addressed were a consent agenda. The City Commission does not discuss these unless a member of the Commission, City Manager, or City Attorney requests discussion. The consent agenda is a procedural step to move forward on Plant City business. Items on the consent agenda were resolutions: 

24-198 accepting easement and mortgage subordination from ATK Holdings, Inc. to maintain meters and backflow prevention assemblies. 

24-202 consenting to the assignment of contract from Singhofen & Associations, Inc. to Halff Associates, Inc., relating to engineering services. 

24-208 authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Point and Pay, LLC to process credit cards for the MaintStar application. 

24-223 setting a public hearing on a request for an extension of time to commence alcoholic beverage sales at 103 North Palmer Street.

24-226 accepting an easement agreement with the School Board of Hillsborough County to maintain a fire backflow preventer assembly. 

24-235 accepting an Encroachment Easement Agreement between the City and David F. Fox regarding real property located at 1812 N. Barnes St.

All consent items passed in a single vote, 4-0.

One resolution was unusual—24-220—excusing the absence of Commissioner Michael Sparkman from regular City Commission meetings on April 8, April 22, May 13 and May 28 due to health reasons. This is procedurally necessary because Article II, Section 8 of the Plant City Charter requires attendance by the Commissioners. It is necessary that the City Commission excuse said absences by resolution. 

All consent items passed in a single vote, 4-0.

Following this vote, City Manager Bill McDaniel’s report presented the below resolutions. Various City of Plant City staff with expertise in the areas under discussion gave presentations. City Commissioners asked questions and commented on the resolutions:

24-199 authorizing the City Manager to purchase vehicles and equipment for the Police Department. The six vehicles and outfitting total cost adds up to $359,680.

24-201 authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Labor Solutions, Inc. for temporary staffing services. The annual cost of the agreement is approximately $400,000.

24-203 authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with King & George, LLC for Citywide Fleet Management Services. The annual cost of the agreement is $2,643,185.86.

24-209 authorizing the purchase of a 100kW standby generator from Tradewinds Power Corporation through piggyback of the Florida Sheriff’s Association. This generator will provide a new lift station and force main connections to accommodate the additional flow from future growth in the northeast quadrant of Plant City. City staff identified a way to purchase the generator at a tax savings of $9,157.74, so the final cost is $165,284.

24-210 authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Kamminga & Roodvoets, Inc. for the State Road 39 Utility Lines Extension project. This firm gave the lowest bid for the project at $2,411,155.00.

These resolutions were voted on individually and all passed 4-0.

In the following public hearing, the Commission voted 4-0 to amend the map for 40 acres on Baptist Church Road and rezone from Hillsborough County Agriculture Single Family-1 to Plant City Planned Development District.  

Finally, four resolutions passed to vote on at the May 28 City Commission meeting:

24-175 setting a legislative public hearing on an ordinance amending Section 30-63(b) of Plant City Code revising the Notice of Public Nuisance. 

24-206 setting a legislative public hearing on an ordinance amending Article IV of Chapter 66, Plant City Code regarding business taxes. 

24-214 setting a quasi-judicial public hearing on an ordinance to rezone .27± 

acres located at 713 West Warren Street from R-1 Single Family dwelling district to R-2 Multiple-family dwelling district (PB-2024-08).

24-219 setting a legislative public hearing on an ordinance for a text amendment to Division 4, Article VII, Chapter 102, for Sidewalk Cafes (PB2024-21).

The Commission then voted to adjourn the meeting.

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