Mayor Nate Kilton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. on Monday. Present at the dais were the city commissioners, city attorney, city manager, and city clerk.
Joseph Carter, pastor of Church on the Rock, gave an invocation to begin the meeting. Then the assembly recited together the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Afterward, Mayor Kilton presented a proclamation declaring April 6-12, as, “National Crime Victims’ Rights Week in Plant City.” The proclamation read, in part, “National Crime Victims’ Rights Week provides an opportunity to recognize the importance of crime victims’ services; to ensure that crime victims have access to services and support; and to promote discussion on how communities, organizations, and professionals can work together to reach all victims.” Three representatives from the office of State Attorney Suzy Lopez accepted the proclamation.
During public comments, seven residents stood to speak about different things they view as problems in Plant City. Among the issues they presented were a warehouse pumping water out of a retention pond that floods two citizens’ properties; contention against removing trees and adding retention ponds near Rowena Mays Park; advocacy to change city policies to increase pay, and give mental health days, to Fire Rescue personnel to increase retention; a question about whether Plant City will receive state funds for Hurricane recovery because Tampa recently got $3.2 million; more transparency by the city on the status of the Midtown development and the 1914 High School renovation; a claim that the turnover of city staff has been 500 people in the last two years—which would be over 100 percent, and a request to research the reasons for such turnover; and finally, a reading in the cadence of Dr. Seuss’s “Green Eggs and Ham” with the words changed to reflect how the reader doesn’t like the growth of Plant City. Commissioner Bill Dodson said these were the most public comments on varied issues he has heard while serving on the commission, and encouraged residents to contribute comments in future meetings.
Regarding the staff turnover, “It is a misinterpretation of the response that was provided,” City Manager Bill McDaniel said. “We run a normal attrition of five to eight percent….That includes people that quit for whatever reason. That’s people that retire…. We see a wide array of reasons just like any business would see.”
The following routine items passed in one vote, 5-0.
25-065 – A resolution authorizing the purchase of engineered, wood-fiber mulch on an as needed basis from iMulchFL, Inc., under Hillsborough County contract ITB-24-24520. Annual usage will amount to about $27,000.
25-124 – A resolution authorizing the City Manager to convey acceptance of the Class III MSW yard trash collector going from Paragon Development Group, LLC to Angelo’s Aggregate Materials, Ltd.
25-130 – A resolution setting a quasi-judicial public hearing on a resolution approving a
final plat entitled Park East Phase 5 (PB-2024-32). The applicant is proposing a final plat for a 31-lot single-family detached, residential subdivision. This plat is located on the west side of North Wilder Road, north of Sam Allen Road within the North Park Isle Planned Development District.
25-131 – A resolution setting a quasi-judicial public hearing on a resolution approving a
final plat entitled Lykes Sound Wall Plant (PB-2024-33). The applicant is proposing a final plat for a three-lot industrial subdivision. This parcel is located at the southeast corner of Turkey Creek Road and Lykes Road.
City Manager Bill McDaniel also brought to commissioners item 25-148, a presentation about supplemental fluoride, with a recommendation to end the city’s practice of adding fluoride to drinking water, based on current recommendations by Florida’s surgeon general. The major concerns about adding fluoride are negative health consequences on residents, and an ethical issue about the practice amounting to forced medication.
City Clerk Kerri Miller brought to the city commission two items:
24-602 – Consideration of a resolution appointing members to the Code Enforcement Board. Four applicants applied. Both the mayor and vice-mayor commented the applicants for the position were great. The commission voted 5-0 to place Tony Smith in the seat.
25-108 – Consideration of a resolution appointing a member to the Board of Adjustment. The commissioners voted 5-0 to appoint the current first alternate to the board, and the current new applicant, Stephanie Varney, as the first alternate.
25-128 – A legislative public hearing on an ordinance vacating a portion of a right of way,
located south of the intersection of North Knight Street and East Reynolds Street (PB-2024-36).
25-126 – A citizen withdrew an application for an ordinance modifying the Midway Lake Community Unit District located north of North Frontage Road, east of North Wilder Road, south of East Sam Allen Road, and west of Charlie Taylor Road (PB-2023-51). The director of Planning and Zoning, Robyn Baker, updated that Planning and Zoning staff and the applicant could not agree on the language of additional conditions.
25-129 – A resolution setting a legislative public hearing for text amendment PC/CPA 24-
08 amending Land Use Map 4 of the Future Land Use Map series regarding the Preferred Land Use Scenario Map of the Northeast Master Plan located in the northeast quadrant of the City of Plant City. There are changes to the map that are strategic in nature, intended to update the map to address current and emerging issues in the community, and shaped to accommodate increasing growth and unanticipated market demands. The resolution passed 5-0.