Mayor Nathan Kilton called the meeting to order on June 10, promptly at 7:30 p.m. Vice Mayor Mary Thomas-Mathis, City Commissioners Jason Jones and William Dodson, City Attorney Kenneth Buchman, City Manager Bill McDaniel, and City Clerk Kerri Miller were in attendance.
“Be with our city and those in leadership,” prayed Joe Bowles, Pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church of Plant City. “Lord, I pray that you would give them wisdom and compassion to do the very best job they can do….In Christ’s name we pray, amen.”
Then all stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The meeting proceeded with Kerri Miller swearing in for another term, Mary Thomas-Mathis, City Commissioner, Group Five.
“One Scripture that holds dear to me is, ‘This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. The Lord is my Shepherd therefore I shall not need or want for anything,’ said Thomas-Mathis. “I have to say something, and my heart is heavy. I know that prayer changes things, and I know sometimes people don’t want you to know about their business, but I am going to tell you mine because I am going to ask you for prayers…. My husband right now is in a medical challenge. And I need your prayers. He’s at St. Joseph’s. I won’t sugarcoat it—fighting for his life….So, I need you—his name is Tony Mathis—to send up prayers for him. He will go into surgery on Wednesday. Ask God to guide those surgeons’ hands. Thank you.”
Mayor Nate Kilton took liberty with the agenda and asked Pastor Bowles to return to the podium to pray. Bowles prayed for healing for Tony Mathis and also for City Commissioner Michael Sparkman.
Returning to the agenda, Mayor Kilton offered a proclamation declaring June 2024 as World Vitiligo Month. This disorder affects three million Americans. The proclamation encourages citizens to increase awareness and support for people with vitiligo. A vitilago support group in Plant City accepted the proclamation. This group is the only support group of its kind in Florida. Its aim is to help people, “Love the skin they are in.”
During the public portion of the meeting, citizens stood before the City Commission with requests: 1. To name rooms in the Sadye Gibbs Martin Community Center for four people who worked for many years at the Marshall Recreation Center; 2. To look into a vacant property that has diseased, dying oak trees because of concern these trees will fall on a house during high winds. Also, with another concern about the property, because a homeless tent encampment is leaving some people in the neighborhood unsafe; 3. A question about the delays on Hillsborough County construction on Turkey Creek Road, and when the project will be completed. Mayor Kilton requested contact information from the citizens and promised to follow up with their requests.
Next, the Commissioners unanimously supported re-appointing Nate Kilton as Mayor and he was also sworn in. Jason Jones was selected as Vice-Mayor. The Commissioners kept the same assignments to various Councils that they held during the previous year.
The City Commissioners heard progress reports from the City Manager, then voted 4-0 passing all items on the Consent Agenda, and an authorization to replace the aged sand filter air system in the Water Reclamation Facility for $138,175.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:15 p.m.