Mayor Nate Kilton called the November 12 Regular Meeting of the City Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. Also present at the dais were City Commissioner Bill Dodson, City Commissioner Mary Thomas Mathis, City Commissioner Michael Sparkman, City Attorney Kenneth Buchman, and City Manager Bill McDaniel. Vice-Mayor Jason Jones had a scheduling conflict and appeared after the meeting commenced.
Before the proceedings, Mayor Kilton welcomed Commissioner Sparkman back to the meetings after seven-months of not being able to join due to health reasons. The assembly applauded Sparkman’s return. Kilton offered the Commissioner the opportunity to address the meeting.
“It’s been a long path,” Sparkman commented. “But I have had an awful lot of support….I am very emotional about it. It turned out I wound up having six brain surgeries since April. And so, it has been quite a journey. I told my wife a couple of weeks ago I felt like I wanted to come back and be a part of the Commission, and at least finish up my two-year pledge. She said, ‘Well, if you are, you’re not going like you are now. You’ve lost about 50 pounds during this time in the hospital, and we are going to go somewhere and buy you a new suit.’ It’s been a long journey and when people support you like everybody has, they’re family—it’s very rewarding. I am happy to be here, and I hope I’ll be here two more meetings this year, and for the next two years. Thank you for your support.”
“Welcome back. Your recovery is a testimony to your toughness, and also God’s grace, and we are very happy to have you back with us, sir,” Mayor Kilton said.
Joseph Carter, pastor at Plant City Church on the Rock gave the invocation. Those in attendance then stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Mayor Kilton presented a proclamation recognizing the Strawberry Festival for their assistance after Hurricane Milton. The proclamation read, in part: “….WHEREAS, during the recent crisis of Hurricane Milton, the Florida Strawberry Festival graciously allowed TECO, FEMA and the Chief Financial Officer, Jimmy Patronis, to utilize their property as a critical staging area, ensuring that vital resources and support could be mobilized swiftly for our community’ s safety and recovery; and WHEREAS, this generous act provided critical logistical support, allowing emergency responders to mobilize resources, restore power, and deliver aid to those most affected by the storm; and WHEREAS, the leadership and community spirit exhibited by the Florida Strawberry Festival exemplify the strength and solidarity of our community in the face of adversity….”
During public comments, two people stood to address the condition of Plant City’s storm runoff infrastructure. Mayor Kilton thanked them and told them that the city government will be holding a hurricane workshop at 5:00 p.m. on December 9, where these kinds of issues will be discussed.
The Commissioners passed 5-0 the items on the consent agenda, including:
24-511 – A resolution setting a quasi-judicial public hearing on a resolution approving a final plat entitled Central Florida Commerce Park Phase 4 (PB-2024-01).
24-519 – A resolution approving a warranty deed from Lakeside Station, LLC. The 51-acre property contains a lake, and is planned as a park with amenities added by the City, such as a walking trail, fishing nooks, a boardwalk, picnic pavilions, tables, canoe docks, restrooms, and parking.
The Commissioners approved the below with 5-0 votes:
24-516 – A resolution authorizing the purchase of furniture from CDS through a piggyback of Florida State contract # 56120000-24-NY-ACS and OMNIA purchase contract # 07-124. The furniture is for the new Solid Waste and Utilities facility, and includes 29 offices, the lobby, and other rooms. The piggyback saved the city some money. The total cost is $351,073.66.
24-515 – A resolution authorizing the purchase of a Vaughan 100hp chopper pump from F.J. Nugent Co. for the Water Reclamation Facility Master Lift Station. The current pump has been online for 17 years, but is now failing and can’t be repaired. The replacement pump has submersible applications to prevent clogging and ragging. It will also improve maintenance by helping to remove the fat, oil, and grease layer in the master lift station wet well. The cost is $92,672.00.
The Commissioners approved with a 4-0 vote with one abstention for conflict of interest, 24-509 – A legislative public hearing on an ordinance to annex four parcels totaling 58 acres; ANX-2023-04, ANX-2023-05, and ANX-2024-01. These annexations were requested by the property owners. The parcels are adjacent to the City of Plant City, and the annexation does not conflict with Florida statues.
The Commissioners approved the below agenda items with 5-0 votes:
24-508 – A quasi-judicial public hearing on an ordinance for a major modification to the Parkside Planned Development District, allowing temporary construction access to Mendonsa Road. One resident brought the circumstances up for discussion. Commissioners asked questions of the development company and proposed solutions to limit times and construction traffic along Mendonsa Road to make the impact on the community as small as possible.
24-510 – A resolution setting a public hearing on an ordinance to adopt the annual update of the 5-Year Capital Improvement Schedule of Projects for FY25 – FY29 (PB-2024-35).
24-537 – A resolution setting a legislative public hearing on an ordinance vacating a portion of a utility easement located within sections 27 and 34, Township 28 South, Range 22 East, Hillsborough County.
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.