Mayor Nate Kilton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. on September 23. Also present at the dais were Vice-Mayor Jason Jones, City Commissioner William Dodson, City Commissioner Mary Thomas Mathis, City Attorney Kenneth Buchman, City Clerk Kerri Miller, and City Manager Bill McDaniel.
Since no pastor attended the meeting, Mayor Nate Kilton offered the invocation. He prayed for God’s support for City Commissioner Mathis, whose widely admired and loved husband, Tony, died on September 8. Mayor Kilton also prayed for City Commissioner Michael Sparkman, who is recovering from illness. He asked that Plant Citians would be gracious to one another, and would be strong and diligent in how they take care of others. The assembly then recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
During the public open mic, two residents spoke. In three-minute time slots, both aired frustration with some of the operations of downtown events, advocated for them to be more supportive of downtown businesses, and give better initial impressions of Plant City. Mayor Kilton thanked the citizens for speaking and told them the City Commission would address their concerns.
The below routine items on the Consent Agenda were adopted in one motion:
24-451 – A resolution approving minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 9, 2024.
24-406 – A resolution approving the write-off of various delinquent and uncollectible utility billing accounts. The total amount is $59,334.60.
24-443 – A resolution authorizing the sale of a 2014 Ditch Witch JT9 Directional Drill package. This 2014 piece of equipment is not fit for use by the city. The sale will bring the City $45,000.
24-447 – A resolution setting a quasi-judicial public hearing on a resolution for a final plat titled Timber Ridge, and a waiver request located on the east side of Charlie Taylor Road, south of Midway Road, and north of Swindell Road (PB-2024-22).
24-461 – A resolution rescheduling the first regular City Commission Meeting in October 2024 to October 7, 2024.
City Manager Bill McDanial brought several items to the Commissioners for discussion and voting. The most significant are detailed below:
24-435 – A resolution approving a Development Agreement with IDP Plant City Midtown, LLC., relating to the Midtown District Project. City Commissioners, the City Attorney, and representatives from IDP discussed this for about one hour. City Commissioners questioned the length of time the project has taken, and would take in the future. Vice-Mayor Jones referred to several points in the contract to clarify or rework. Commissioner Mathis requested more frequent progress updates. Commissioner Dodson aired the idea to research for more effective ways to develop Midtown since the project has taken some time to get to its current status. The Commission voted to suspend discussion until February 10, 2025, to give time to renegotiate or rewrite some points of the contract. In the meantime, the City Manager and City Attorney will look into other development strategies that may shorten the time to completion.
24-440 – A resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Joint Participation Agreement with FDOT for the TAP’s-LA grant funding. This $561,000 would provide for upgrading traffic cabinets, and capabilities to change lights and warn drivers of approaching emergency vehicles.
24-448 – A resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Engineering Work Order 21-020-01K-01, Modification No. 1 with Adurra Group Inc. for Lift Station No. 7. This is to approve an additional cost of $51,606.00 to complete the work.
24-442 – A resolution authorizing the City Manager to take all action necessary to purchase vehicles and equipment approved by the City Commission for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. There is a current shortage of fleet vehicles. In the past, other municipalities have moved more quickly than the City of Plant City to buy vehicles. The purpose of this resolution is to continue to temporarily remove some steps from the process to expedite obtaining purchase orders.
With the exception of 24-435, the above resolutions passed with 4-0 votes.
During the time for reporting from the dais, the City Attorney and City Clerk brought nothing to discuss. Commissioner Mary Thomas Mathis thanked the City Commission and the community for their support of her since the passing of her husband.
Then the agenda moved on to legislative public hearings:
24-444 – A resolution adopting the final millage rate for the year 2024 at 5.7157.
24-450 – A resolution adopting the final City budget of $125,925,917 for fiscal year 2024-25.
24-463 – A resolution amending the 401(a) defined contribution retirement plan for the City of Plant City.
24-467 – A resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to the City Manager’s Employment Agreement.
The City Commissioners also voted 4-0 to pass the below public items:
24-449 – A public hearing on a resolution adopting a capital improvement budget of $27,068,888 for fiscal year 2024-25, and the next four years thereafter.
24-446 – A public hearing on an ordinance amending subdivision regulations (PB-2024-31).
24-412 – A resolution setting a public hearing on an ordinance to annex four parcels of land totaling about 58 acres – ANX-2023-04, ANX-2023-05, and ANX-2024-01.
The meeting adjourned at 10:33 p.m.